Acadêmicos contra Trump

Acadêmicos das áreas de estudos bíblicos e de estudos da religião estão se posicionando contra a polêmica ordem executiva de Trump conhecida como “Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States”.

O Professor James F. McGrath está reunindo em seu blog declarações de pessoas e grupos contra tal medida.

Ele diz: “If it has been disheartening to see the actions of America’s president and his supporters, and the harmful effects on people that those actions have had on refugees and other extremely vulnerable constituencies, it has been encouraging to see so many people of different backgrounds being united in their outspokenness against these policies. I plan to share as many examples as I can of people and groups speaking out as I become aware of here on this blog, and in particular those from groups that I have either a direct or tangential connection with”.


:: Biblical Scholars Stand With Refugees – January 29, 2017

:: Academics Against the Immigration Ban – January 30, 2017

:: Poverty in the Biblical World and Today – January 30, 2017 

:: Butler President on Immigration – January 31, 2017

:: SBL Hebrew Bible, History, and Archaeology Statement on Immigration – January 31, 2017

:: AAR and IQSA Statements about Executive Order – January 31, 2017

Dr. James F. McGrath is Clarence L. Goodwin Chair in New Testament Language and Literature at Butler University in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA.