Uma biografia de Hermann Gunkel

Esta biografia do importante exegeta alemão Hermann Gunkel (1862–1932), escrita por Konrad Hammann, está sendo publicada agora, em fevereiro. Em alemão.

HAMMANN, K. Hermann Gunkel – Eine Biographie. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2014, XII + 439 s. – ISBN 9783161504464.

Diz a editora:

In der Generation nach Julius Wellhausen gehörte Hermann Gunkel zu den bedeutendsten Repräsentanten der evangelischen Bibelwissenschaften. Als einer der Mitbegründer und Hauptvertreter der Religionsgeschichtlichen Schule etablierte er methodisch höchst innovative Zugänge zum Alten wie auch zum Neuen Testament. Letztlich setzte er mit jeder größeren Publikation einen forschungsgeschichtlichen Markstein. Sein Kommentar zur Genesis und seine diversen Auslegungen der Psalmen avancierten zu Klassikern der protestantischen Bibelexegese im 20. Jahrhundert. Sein Name ist untrennbar verbunden mit der gattungsgeschichtlichen Betrachtung biblischer Texte. Im Rückgriff auf bislang unerschlossenes Archivmaterial verortet Konrad Hammann das Leben und Werk Gunkels in seiner Zeit und in den Forschungsdiskursen seines Faches.

In the generation after Julius Wellhausen, Hermann Gunkel was one of the most important exponents of Protestant biblical studies. As one of the co-founders and main advocates of the history of religions school, he established approaches to the Old as well as the New Testament which were highly innovative from a methodological perspective. Ultimately he set a milestone in research history with each of his major publications. It is no coincidence that his commentary on Genesis and his diverse interpretations of the Psalms became classics of Protestant biblical exegesis in the 20th century. His name is inextricably linked to the examination of biblical texts from the perspective of form criticism. Drawing on previously unexplored archive material, Konrad Hammann shows the extent to which Gunkel’s life and work were part of his time and the research discourses of his profession.

Todos os livros de introdução ao Antigo Testamento falam da contribuição de H. Gunkel para a exegese.

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