N T Wrong e os biblioblogueiros, segundo Crossley

James Crossley, professor da Universidade de Sheffield, Reino Unido, e biblioblogueiro, publicou um artigo sobre o fenômeno N. T. Wrong e sua relação crítica com a biblioblogosfera.

O artigo foi publicado na revista The Bible and Critical Theory, da Universidade Monash, Austrália, no vol. 6, n. 1, março de 2010. Clique em crossley-2010 para a versão em pdf.

Lembro aos interessados que N. T. Wrong é o pseudônimo de alguém extremamente brilhante que passou pela biblioblogosfera, arrasou e sumiu.

Até hoje ninguém sabe – e se sabe, não diz – quem ele é. E se ele existiu mesmo, de se pegar, como diz o poeta.


Leia o abstract de N.T. Wrong and the Bibliobloggers:

This article builds upon an earlier political analysis of the phenomenon of biblical scholars blogging (‘bibliobloggers’) by incorporating the pseudonymous biblioblogger, ‘N.T. Wrong’. Developing Herman and Chomsky’s Propaganda Model and various ideas concerning surveillance, it is clear Wrong was (and is) a stark opposite to the consistent trend among bibliobloggers that buys into the language and ideas of US-led power, most notably concerning the ‘war on terror’ and Orientalism. Through the pseudonymous persona, Wrong’s blog also ran counter to a culture of surveillance, of which blogging and related internet phenomena are now an integral part. While running counter to these trends in biblioblogging, Wrong became the exception proving the ‘rule’ of the Propaganda Model. Through bibliobloggers ignoring Wrong’s politics on issues relating to US foreign policy so central to the Propaganda Model (and while freely discussing equally ‘non-biblical’ topics), the analysis of biblioblogging as a reflection of the concerns of the Propaganda Model is reinforced. This is shown through dicussion of a number of Wrong’s blog entries and further suggestions are then made concerning the function of liberal and former leftist supporters of imperialism in relation to biblioblogging and the Propaganda Model.

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