BibleWorld, da Equinox, oferece bons estudos

Passei parte da tarde analisando os futuros lançamentos de Bíblia da Equinox Publishing, de Londres. E fiquei impressionado com a coleção BibleWorld. Preste atenção nesta série que tem, até o momento, 29 obras publicadas e/ou programadas. Estudos que prometem.

Editada por Philip R. Davies e James Crossley, a coleção tem a seguinte proposta:
BibleWorld shares the fruits of modern (and postmodern) biblical scholarship not only among practitioners and students, but also with anyone interested in what academic study of the Bible means in the 21st century. It explores our ever-increasing knowledge and understanding of the social world that produced the biblical texts, but also analyses aspects of the bible’s role in the history of our civilization and the many perspectives — not just religious and theological, but also cultural, political and aesthetic — which drive modern biblical scholarship.

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