Pesquisa em Arquivos de Jornais do Google

Google vai disponibilizar 200 anos de jornais na web
“A empresa de Internet Google vai lançar um serviço de busca em arquivos de jornais, alguns com registros de notícias publicadas nos últimos 200 anos. Ao consultar o novo Google News Archive Search (Pesquisa em Arquivos de Jornais do Google, em inglês), o internauta terá acesso a notícias tanto de jornais online gratuitos quanto a arquivos pagos” (BBC Brasil: 07/09/2006 – 14h25).


In 2011, Google announced that it would no longer add content to the archive project. On August 14, 2011, without notice, Google made the News Archives home page unavailable. Apparently, the service merged with Google News. Carly Carlioi, an editor at the Boston Phoenix, speculated that Google discontinued the project because they found it harder than expected, for newspapers were more difficult to index than books because of layout complexities. Another cause might have been that the project attracted a lesser audience than expected. While archived newspapers are still available for browsing, keyword searching is not fully functional (Wikipédia).

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