Recursos para o estudo do acádio e do sumério na Eisenbrauns

Se você se interessa pelas línguas orientais, observe os poderosos recursos que a Eisenbrauns oferece.

Por exemplo:

Languages of the Ancient Near East (LANE) is a series that encompasses a wide variety of titles pertaining to the Semitic and non-Semitic languages of ancient Western Asia. Books in the series publish research on individual languages or language groups and include reference grammars, teaching grammars, descriptive grammars, monographic studies of relevant linguistic topics, studies in historical grammar and linguistics, and works on paleography. Although LANE’s primary emphasis is on ancient languages, the series is open to works on languages or dialects of later periods, especially with regard to language history.


The series Linguistic Studies in Ancient West Semitic is devoted to Hebrew, Aramaic, Ugaritic, and other ancient West Semitic languages. It includes monographs, collections of essays, and text editions informed by the approaches of linguistic science. The material studied spans the earliest West Semitic texts to the rise of Islam.

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