Prehistoric and Predynastic Egypt: site de Andie Byrnes, Londres, Reino Unido, sobre o Egito pré-histórico e pré-dinástico. Além deste site, Andie, que está escrevendo sua tese na UCL, Londres, tem outros relacionados com o Egito, de modo geral, e/ou sobre o tema das origens e desenvolvimento da agricultura no Egito. Além de um blog, Egyptology News ativo de 2004 a 2013.
This site has been built with the intention of pulling together information about Prehistoric and Predynastic Egypt, presenting it in a way which is easy to absorb and navigate. The subject is the origins and development of agriculture in Egypt. By Andie Byrnes, studying for a PhD at UCL (London, UK). Other sites by Andie: Ancient Egypt Portal, Egyptology News (blog), Predynastic Faiyum, S. Cairo and Western Delta, The Origins & Spread of Agriculture.