Professor Owen, Cornell University: publiquem inscrições arqueológicas roubadas

A notícia está no blog Biblical Theology de Jim West, sob o título

Biblical Archaeology Review – Publish Looted Antiquities!

Another major scholar, cuneiformist David I. Owen of Cornell University, has issued a clarion call for the publication of looted inscriptions, despite the fact that they were recovered by criminal looters rather than archaeologists. Writing in Science magazine, a publication of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Owen states:”The rigid and uncompromising position of the archaeological establishment [against the publication of unprovenanced cuneiform inscriptions] only compounds the tragedy that the looting of archaeological sites in Iraq (and elsewhere) has presented. Not only have these precious records of the past been ripped from their original context, but now the archaeologists wish to suppress the very knowledge of their existence by banning their recording and publication…” (continua) [Obs.: link quebrado – blog descontinuado]

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