Tem gente incomodada com Finkelstein e Silberman

Tem gente incomodada com Finkelstein e Silberman por causa do livro sobre Davi e Salomão


Old Testament dispute continues. Was King David Judaism’s King Arthur?

Some scholars are busily debunking the Bible’s account of the great King David, asking: Was he really all that great? Was he largely legendary, Judaism’s version of Britain’s legendary King Arthur or totally fictional?

These matters are crucial not only for Jews but for Christians, since Jesus’ biblical identity as the messiah stems from David’s family line.

Skepticism about the Hebrew Bible’s history was promoted to popular audiences in “The Bible Unearthed” (2001) by Tel Aviv University archaeologist Israel Finkelstein and Neil Asher Silberman. Their most recent book focuses on “David and Solomon” (Free Press).

Though some scholars claimed David never existed, in 1993 archaeologists discovered a stone inscription from 835 B.C. that mentions “the house of David.” The authors say that established the existence of a dynastic founder named David and that shortly after his 10th-century era a line of kings “traced their legitimacy back to David.”

However, Finkelstein considers the Bible seriously distorted propaganda. He treats David as a minor bandit chieftain and Jerusalem as a hamlet, not an imperial capital. Supposedly, biblical authors concocted the grander David centuries afterward. The book also implies that his successor, Solomon, didn’t build the Temple.

Finkelstein notes that archaeologists haven’t found monumental buildings from David’s era in Jerusalem. He dismisses links of David and Solomon with buildings unearthed at biblical Megiddo and Hazor. Ordinary readers might not grasp that this depends upon a disputed “low chronology” which would shift dates a century, just after these kings.

In the July-August issue of Biblical Archaeology Review, Michael Coogan of Stonehill College, editor of The New Oxford Annotated Bible, contends that Finkelstein and Silberman “move from the hypothetical to the improbable to the absurd.”

Finkelstein’s revised chronology is “not accepted by the majority of archaeologists and biblical scholars,” Coogan asserts, citing four scholarly anthologies from the past three years.

Coogan also thinks “David and Solomon” downplays the significance of the Amarna tablets, which include correspondence to Egypt’s pharaoh from a 14th-century Jerusalem king. Even if archaeological remains at Jerusalem are lacking, he writes, the tablets indicate that long before David, Jerusalem was the region’s chief city-state, with a court and sophisticated scribes.

Discovery of ancient remains in Jerusalem is problematic due to the repeated reconstruction throughout the centuries and the modern inaccessibility of many sites.

Nonetheless, perhaps David’s palace has been found. So claims Israeli archaeologist Eilat Mazar. Finkelstein denies this, claiming Mazar inaccurately dated pottery from the site. “Here, for the time being, matters rest,” summarizes Hillel Halkin in the July-August Commentary magazine.

Jerusalem feuds aside, skepticism about David seems to be countered by recent discoveries in the biblical land of Edom (present-day southwest Jordan), also described in Biblical Archaeology Review by field experts Thomas Levy and Mohammad Najjar. Levy is a University of California, San Diego, archaeologist and Najjar directs excavations for Jordan’s Department of Antiquities.

According to the Hebrew Bible, Edom had kings before Israel (Genesis 36:31), barred Moses’ wandering Israelites (Numbers 20:14-21) and later warred with King David (2 Samuel 8:13-14, 1 Kings 11:15-16).

Until now, many scholars have said that’s all bogus because there was no archaeological evidence for a state in Edom until long after David’s day. Finkelstein and Silberman typified such skepticism in “Bible Unearthed,” which said Edom achieved kingship and statehood only in the seventh century B.C.

But Levy and Najjar say lack of evidence is never conclusive, and in this case previous archaeologists dug in the wrong place. They’ve now excavated a major fortress that — to their surprise — is dated by radiocarbon tests in David’s era. An adjacent copper mill goes back another one to two centuries, closer to Moses’ time.

Biblical references have gained “new plausibility,” they conclude.

Fonte: Richard N. Ostling – The Associated Press: Aug 4, 2006

Arqueologia em zonas de conflito: conferência no Instituto de Arqueologia do University College London

Na lista de discussão ANE-2, vejo este comunicado de Chuck Jones. Se quiser conferir mais, clique aqui.

A Conferência de três dias de duração vai tratar dos problemas arqueológicos nas regiões em guerra no Oriente Médio, focalizando especialmente a Palestina, o Iraque, o Líbano e o Afeganistão.

Archaeology in Conflict Conference
Cultural Heritage, Site Management and Sustainable Development in Conflict and Post-Conflict States in the Middle East

Location: Institute of Archaeology, University College London
Date: Friday 10th, Saturday 11th and Sunday 12th November 2006
Organizing body: The Centre for Applied Archaeology (CAA), supported by the British Academy.

This three day conference will explore the ethics and practicalities of archaeological site management in conflict and post-conflict states, focusing on the impact of conservation and archaeology on local communities in Palestine, Afghanistan, Iraq and Lebanon.

Thematic sessions include:

  • Palestinian Heritage: Archival Memory and Identity Work
  • Conflict Management and Reconstruction – case studies from Lebanon
  • Archaeology and Conflict in Iraq – present problems and future prospects
  • Conservation and Sustainable Use of Resources – Case studies from Afghanistan
  • Conflicting Values, Government and Legitimacy

The conference brings together archaeologists, heritage managers, developing agencies, funding bodies, philosophers, social theorists, conflict resolution specialists, economists, NGO’s, GO’s and supranational bodies. Special focus will be given to academic scholars, experts and government representatives from Afghanistan, Palestine, Lebanon and Iraq.

A antiga cidade de Baalbek no Líbano tornou-se zona de guerra

Israeli Jets, Helicopters and Ground Forces Attack Baalbek, Hezbollah Hub in Bekaa Valley

It sounded like a storm, a cacophony of roaring jets and thudding helicopters moving ever closer to this ancient town in the Bekaa Valley on Tuesday night, warning that something very big was happening.

By 10:30 p.m., the Israeli attack on the city had started, with warplanes screaming in from every direction, said Mayor Muhsin al-Jammal of Baalbek.

“When we heard so many planes up there, I knew what was coming would be terrifying,” he said early Wednesday during a brief respite.

While the bombardment continued from the sky throughout the night and early morning, sparing few neighborhoods here, the offensive took on a second phase when Israeli soldiers began entering. One group came to an Iranian-financed hospital just outside of town, and a second group of soldiers came to Asaliya, an adjoining town, where they searched door to door and detained five people suspected of being Hezbollah members.

In peacetime, Baalbek is best known for its Roman ruins and its summer festivals. But in war, it is a prime target, a strategic center for Hezbollah in the Bekaa Valley.

Seven people, including two children, were killed when Israeli planes bombed a house in Jamaliye, a few miles outside Baalbek. In the house were about 50 members of an extended family who had fled the house when the jets were flying over. After the family returned, a rocket landed in the garden, one relative said.

“I saw the rocket, with its tail on fire, coming at us, and there was nothing I could do,” Ali Saeed, the relative, said. “The planes must have seen people moving around and assumed we were a target.”

In Baalbek, the main fighting started late Tuesday at the Dar el-Hekma hospital, run by the Imam Khomeini Islamic Charity Foundation, an Iranian foundation. Helicopters attacked the area, and then dropped about 20 Israeli soldiers. A fierce exchange broke out when a handful of Hezbollah fighters tried to keep the Israelis from entering the walled grounds.

“The helicopters came low and hit all around the hospital, and when they saw limited resistance they landed,” said a man at the scene who would only give his name as Ali.

The Israelis entered the hospital and were starting to leave when a larger force of Hezbollah fighters showed up and started a heavy firefight. Ali and his friends said that three fighters had been killed in the hospital battle, but a spokesman for the Israeli military said soldiers had killed at least 10 fighters there.

Ali was still sweaty and shaken on Wednesday as he talked about the fight. Though he dodged questions about his role, there were signs that he had been involved. His head was scratched and bruised, and several machine guns lay in the car he had pulled up in with two other young men. He walked around the hospital and grounds, working to clear traces of the battle. “They hit a civilian institution, and there was no one even inside it,” he insisted.

The men said cars belonging to Sheik Muhammad Yazbek, the personal representative of Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, and a member of Hezbollah Council, had come in and out of the parking lot that evening, though the sheik himself did not come, the men said. They said they believed he was the ultimate target of the raid.

By midday Wednesday, traces of the damage outside the gates of the hospital remained despite efforts to conceal them. Two burned cars remained in the parking lot after the fires had been put out, and a Peugeot pickup truck riddled with bullets was parked nearby, but piles of glass and other debris scattered throughout the parking lot suggested that several other cars had also been damaged.

At the gate, a sign announcing the opening hours of the hospital appeared to have been hastily nailed up to hide pockmarks from the attack. Pins pulled from hand grenades and many pieces of shrapnel, bullet shells and even the tail of a rocket hinted at how heavy the firefight was the night before.

Inside, the hospital had been virtually ransacked. Broken glass covered the floors at the main entrance, and black spots marked where stun grenades had been set off, in some cases searing Hebrew lettering into the floor. Doors into every room had been kicked in or blown open.

In one room, a huge magnetic resonance imaging machine had been twisted, and furniture had been overturned in almost every room.

On the first floor, nearly all the rooms had cots, suggesting that men had been sleeping there. Computers were ripped apart, their hard drives missing.

Then, early Wednesday, Israeli helicopters landed in Asaliya, about eight miles away, where soldiers searched house to house, residents and Israeli officials said. The soldiers detained five men, including two members of the Bura family and a member of the Gauta family, Mr. Jammal, the mayor of Baalbek, said.

Capt. Jacob Dallal, a spokesman for the Israeli Defense Forces, said soldiers had searched five houses and taken specific suspects into custody. But Mr. Jammal said the soldiers had taken only civilians, including a 15-year-old boy who was released when soldiers detained his grandfather instead.

“It was clear, they hadn’t managed to win a victory in the south, so they had to come here thinking they could hit the tail of the lion,” Mr. Jammal said. “They’re trying to show that they are doing something and can actually hit Hezbollah in their home.”

Fonte: By Hassan M. Fattah – The New York Times: Aug. 3, 2006

Blogs libaneses: vozes que sussurram em meio aos estrondos da guerra

Na Folha Online de ontem, 01/08/2006 – 16h32, leio sobre os blogs libaneses que registram o dia-a-dia da guerra. Registram as percepções das mentes e corações alvos dos mísseis israelenses que podem atingi-los a qualquer momento.

Leia Libaneses registram relatos dos ataques em blogs e, em seguida, dê uma passada pelos blogs citados abaixo. Mesmo que, eventualmente, seu inglês ou francês possam ser insuficientes para a compreensão da totalidade dos textos, as fotos, os desenhos e as expressões vão lhe dizer algo diferente – muito diferente, eu lhe garanto – das “objetivas” notícias das tevês e jornais ocidentais.

Além disso, na lista de links de cada blog (blogroll) você encontrará dezenas de blogs do Líbano e de outros lugares do Oriente Médio… Veja:

Pamela Chrabieh Badine
The Lebanese Bloggers
Witnessing (again)

Recursos para o estudo do acádico e do sumério na Eisenbrauns

Se você se interessa pelas línguas orientais, observe os poderosos recursos que a Eisenbrauns oferece.

Por exemplo:

Languages of the Ancient Near East (LANE) is a series that encompasses a wide variety of titles pertaining to the Semitic and non-Semitic languages of ancient Western Asia. Books in the series publish research on individual languages or language groups and include reference grammars, teaching grammars, descriptive grammars, monographic studies of relevant linguistic topics, studies in historical grammar and linguistics, and works on paleography. Although LANE’s primary emphasis is on ancient languages, the series is open to works on languages or dialects of later periods, especially with regard to language history.


The series Linguistic Studies in Ancient West Semitic is devoted to Hebrew, Aramaic, Ugaritic, and other ancient West Semitic languages. It includes monographs, collections of essays, and text editions informed by the approaches of linguistic science. The material studied spans the earliest West Semitic texts to the rise of Islam.

Como identificar e avaliar variantes quando se faz crítica textual da Bíblia Hebraica

Tyler F. Williams, professor de Antigo Testamento/Bíblia Hebraica no Taylor University College em Edmonton, Alberta, Canadá, em seu biblioblog Codex, dá prosseguimento à série de posts sobre a crítica textual da Bíblia Hebraica/ Antigo Testamento.

Clique aqui primeiro para ver as 7 postagens anteriores e depois leia o post abaixo, o de número oito, publicado no dia 30 de julho. E deve vir mais por aí…

8. A prática da crítica textual
Neste post discutirei mais especificamente como identificar e avaliar variantes para a reconstrução da Ur-edition (= edição mais antiga, mais próxima possível do original)…

Biblical Studies Carnival 8

Biblical Studies Carnival VIII, comentando os melhores posts de julho, está em Biblicalia. Excelente levantamento, organização e comentário. Belo trabalho feito por Kevin P. Edgecomb, de Berkeley, Califórnia, USA. Não deixe de ver.

Sete resenhas de livros sobre métodos exegéticos e hermenêutica bíblica em perspectiva latino-americana

Observo o primeiro fascículo de 2006 da RIBLA – Revista de Interpretação Bíblica Latino-Americana. Este fascículo abre o n. 53 da RIBLA e é dedicado à questão dos métodos, da exegese e da hermenêutica bíblicas, privilegiando a perspectiva latino-americana. A revista está organizada em duas partes principais e dois apêndices. Quero aqui focalizar apenas os apêndices.

O primeiro traz sete resenhas de livros sobre métodos exegéticos e hermenêutica bíblica em perspectiva latino-americana, enquanto o segundo traz uma bibliografia com cerca de 50 livros sobre as tendências atuais nos estudos bíblicos, na América Latina e especialmente em outras partes do mundo. Hoje vou apenas indicar as resenhas.

Diz Samuel Almada, responsável pelo editorial, sobre a lista de livros resenhados, que embora não seja exaustiva, estas sete obras mostram como a produção sobre este tema melhorou nos últimos anos. As resenhas, com uma média de duas páginas cada, começam na página 147 e vão até a página 159. Vejamos:

  • José Severino CROATTO Hermenéutica práctica: los principios de la hermenéutica bíblica en ejemplos. Quito: Centro Bíblico Verbo Divino, 2002, 156 p. Resenha de Samuel Almada.
  • Cássio Murilo DIAS DA SILVA Metodologia de exegese bíblica. 2. ed. São Paulo: Paulinas, 2003, 515 p. Resenha de Mercedes Lopes.
  • René KRÜGER e José Severino CROATTO Métodos exegéticos. Buenos Aires: Publicaciones de EDUCAB, 1993. [Não indica o número de páginas]. Resenha de Esteban Arias.
  • Maria Paula RODRIGUES (org.) Palavra de Deus, palavra da gente: as formas literárias na Bíblia. São Paulo: Paulus, 2004, 181 p. Resenha de José Luis Calvillo.
  • Ediberto LÓPEZ Para que comprendiesen las Escrituras: introducción a los métodos exegéticos. San Juan/Puerto Rico: Seminario Evangélico de Puerto Rico/Fundación Puerto Rico Evangélico, 2003. [Não indica o número de páginas]. Resenha de Cristina Conti.
  • Hans de WIT En la dispersión el texto es pátria: introducción a la hermenéutica clásica, moderna y posmoderna. San José: Universidad Bíblica Latinoamericana, 2002, 557 p. Resenha de Samuel Almada.
  • Uwe WEGNER Exegese do Novo Testamento: manual de metodologia. 4. ed. São Leopoldo/São Paulo: Sinodal/Paulus, 2005, 414 p. Resenha de Regene Lamb.

Como informação, o conjunto parece adequado. Como não conheço algumas das obras, não posso opinar sobre a qualidade das resenhas. No livro do Cássio Murilo Dias da Silva, publicado em 2000 e reeditado em 2003, escrevi o último capítulo, com mais de cem páginas, tratando do que chamei de Leitura socioantropológica da Bíblia (mais conhecida, em inglês, como social scientific criticism). A resenhista, pelo que pude perceber, deve conhecer pouco desta abordagem, pois passa rápido pelo texto, sem opinar. Mas isso é de menor importância. Porém…

Estranha-me que Carlos Mesters não tenha aparecido entre os autores resenhados. Quem, no Brasil, pode ignorar, na leitura popular, um livro como Flor sem defesa: uma explicação da Bíblia a partir do povo. 5. ed. Petrópolis: Vozes, 1999? Só para citar uma das muitas contribuições do mestre Mesters! Há outras…