Pioneiras da arqueologia

Pode parecer que, nos primeiros tempos, a arqueologia era um empreendimento exclusivamente masculino.Pioneiras da arqueologia

Mas não.

De fato, alguns dos desenvolvimentos iniciais mais significativos da disciplina foram forjados por mulheres.

Estas são apenas algumas das mulheres mais ousadas dos primeiros dias da arqueologia que estavam determinadas a impulsionar as coisas de maneiras novas e importantes.

Entre elas, Kathleen Kenyon (1906-1978), muito citada em nosso meio por seu trabalho em Jericó.


Pioneering Women in Archaeology – By Maria Pakholok – DigVentures: 6 March, 2015

Back in the days when archaeology was a developing discipline, it was – like so many things – dominated by men. Or so you would think if you only looked at Wikipedia’s archaeology page. In fact, some of the discipline’s most significant early developments were forged by women. These are just a handful of some of the boldest, most kickass women from the early days of archaeology who were determined to push things forward in new and important ways.

Kathleen became the leading archaeologist of the Neolithic Near East of her time. Starting out as the first female president of the Oxford University Archaeological Society, Kathleen Kenyon (1906-1978) worked in the field with Mortimer Wheeler and became the leading English archaeologist of the Neolithic Near East, and it was her work at Jericho that led to it being recognized as the oldest continuously occupied settlement in history at the time.

E mais:

:: Here Are 11 Pioneering Women Archaeologists – By Mindy Weisberger – LiveScience: March 23, 2018

There are plenty women who conducted truly groundbreaking archaeological work. Some of their pioneering contributions date back more than a century, and women today continue to forge new paths in the field by challenging how scientists investigate and interpret clues from the past.

:: The Untold Stories of Archaeology’s Women – By Brenna Hassett, Suzanne Pilaar Birch, Rebecca Wragg Sykes, and Tori Herridge – Sapiens: 23 MAR 2021

Stories of pioneering women in the “digging” sciences have been skewed toward those who were White, wealthy, and networked. The TrowelBlazers project aims to reset our imagination—and our future.


:: Lista de mulheres arqueólogas – Wikipedia

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