Os fariseus

SIEVERS, J.; LEVINE, A.-J. (eds.) The Pharisees. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2021, 496 p. – ISBN 9780802879295.SIEVERS, J.; LEVINE, A.-J. (eds.) The Pharisees. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2021

Este livro traz os textos da Conferência Internacional Jesus e os fariseus – Uma reavaliação interdisciplinar, realizada pelo Pontifício Instituto Bíblico (PIB), em Roma, de 7 a 9 de maio de 2019, para comemorar o 110º Aniversário da Fundação do Instituto Bíblico, ocorrida em 7 de maio de 1909.

Leia mais sobre a conferência em Jesus e os fariseus.

Assista aos vídeos das palestras.


Table of Contents

Prelude: Asking the Right Questions
1. What’s in a Name? Interpreting the Name “Pharisee” – Craig Morrison

Part One: Historical Reconstruction
2. In Search of the Origins of the Pharisees – Vasile Babota
3. Purity Concerns and Common Judaism in Light of Archaeology – Eric Meyers
4. Pharisaic Halakah as Emerging from 4QMMT – Vered Noam
5. Josephus’s Pharisees – Steve Mason
6. Paul, the Perfectly Righteous Pharisee – Paula Fredriksen
7. Pharisees and Sadducees Together in Matthew – Henry Pattarumadathil
8. Polemic against the Pharisees in Matthew 23 – Adela Yarbro Collins
9. Luke/Acts as a Source for the History of the Pharisees – Hermut Löhr
10. Pharisees in the Fourth Gospel and One Special Pharisee – Harold Attridge
11. The Shared Image of Pharisaic Law between the Gospels and Rabbinic Tradition – Yair Furstenberg
12. How Close Were Jesus and the Pharisees? – Jens Schröter
13. The Pharisees and the Rabbis: How Much Continuity? – Günter Stemberger

Part Two: Reception HistoryJesus e os fariseus - Uma reavaliação interdisciplinar - Conferência Internacional - 7 a 9 de maio de 2019
14. “Pharisees” and Early Christian Heresiology – Matthias Skeb
15. Pharisaios and Pharisaikos in the Greek Fathers: A Statistical Approach – Luca Angelelli
16. The Forgotten Pharisees – Shaye J. D. Cohen
17. The Perushim in the Understanding of the Medieval Jewish Sages – Abraham Skorka
18. The Pharisees in the Theology of Martin Luther and John Calvin – Randall Zachman
19. The Pharisees in Art – Angela La Delfa
20. A Brief, Personal History of the Oberammergau Passion Play – Christian Stückl
21. The Pharisees on Film – Adele Reinhartz
22. The Pharisees in Modern Scholarship – Susannah Heschel and Deborah Forger
23. The Pharisees as a Textbook Case: The Presentation of Pharisees in Catholic Religion Textbooks – Philip Cunningham

Part Three: Looking Toward the Future
24. Preaching and Teaching the Pharisees – Amy-Jill Levine
25. What Future for the Pharisees? – Massimo Grilli and Joseph Sievers

Address by Pope Francis

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