Recursos para a crítica textual do Novo Testamento

Top Ten Essential Works in New Testament Textual Criticism – By Tommy Wasserman – Evangelical Textual Criticism: September 12, 2012

Estava observando a lista de estudos recomendados e achei que devia mencioná-la por ser valiosa. Apesar de ser de 2012. Mas leia também as recomendações dos comentaristas.

Veja ainda: Dave Black’s New Testament Greek Portal. Especialmente a seção de Crítica Textual.

11º Congresso de Arqueologia do Antigo Oriente Médio

Na Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität de Munique, Alemanha. De 3 a 7 de abril de 2018.

11th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East – ICAANE

The Organizing Committee on behalf of the LMU invites all scholars working on subjects related to Near Eastern Archaeology to participate in the 11th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East (ICAANE), which will take place at the LMU Munich (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München) from 3–7 April 2018.

The 11th ICAANE will cover all aspects of the archaeology of the Near East, from prehistoric to Islamic times, from archaeological fieldwork to art historical, historical and philological studies, as well as Cultural Heritage.

The Programme is organized in eight sections and themes:

1. Mobility in the Ancient Near East

2. Images in Context

3. Archaeology as Cultural Heritage

4. Engendering Near Eastern Archaeology

5. Societal Contexts of Religion

6. Shaping the Living Space

7. Field Reports

8. Islamic Archaeology

Projeto Fasti Congressuum

Uma página que divulga congressos sobre a Antiguidade. Criada por pesquisadores da área em universidades espanholas. A página está em espanhol, inglês e italiano.

Fasti Congressuum

Cada semana en algún lugar del mundo, se celebra un congreso, un seminario, un encuentro, una conferencia o un taller cuya temática está directamente relacionada con la Antigüedad. El interés que suscita este periodo en el mundo académico permite un intenso tráfico de ideas al que es difícil seguirle la pista. Fasti Congressuum nace con la intención de transformarse en una herramienta útil para profesionales, investigadores, estudiantes y curiosos al recopilar el mayor número posible de estos eventos en un único calendario con dos tipos de informaciones, las relativas a los Call for Papers y los propios congresos. Su temática se encuadra en los numerosos aspectos relacionados con la Antigüedad Clásica: Roma, Grecia, Egipto, Oriente, Historia, Protohistoria, Arqueología, Epigrafía, Numismática, Arte, Filología, Literatura, Filosofía, Legado, Topografía, Derecho, etc.

Leia um artigo sobre Fasti Congressuum

DUCE PASTOR, Elena et al. Renovando la difusión de call for papers y congresos de la antigüedad: Fasti Congressuum, una propuesta desde las humanidades digitales, Revista Digital Universitaria, 1 de diciembre de 2016, Vol. 17, Núm. 12.

Resumo do artigo

La falta de comunicación entre instituciones y países afecta a la difusión e internacionalización de la labor de los investigadores. Con vistas a solucionar este problema nace Fasti Congressuum, un proyecto internacional cuyo objetivo es la difusión gratuita de call for papers y congresos sobre la Antigüedad. La base del proyecto es el uso de las Humanidades Digitales, las redes sociales y todas las nuevas herramientas que nos permite crear una red de difusión efectiva, instantánea y global de los eventos científicos sobre la Antigüedad. En este artículo se presenta el proyecto Fasti Congressuum desde sus inicios, resultados obtenidos, crecimiento experimentado en apenas año y medio, y la aceptación del proyecto en el mundo académico.

Nos passos de Jesus ou o Israel imaginado

Imagined Israel: The Problem of Pilgrimage in the Holy Land

By Michael A. Di Giovine
The Marginalia Review of Books
April 9, 2017

Christian pilgrimage to the Holy Land is a longstanding tradition; our earliest evidence comes from travelers in Late Antiquity such as Egeria and the Bordeaux pilgrim who journeyed to Jerusalem when Roman emperor Constantine legalized the religion. Since then, the sites associated with Jesus’ life have captivated the imaginaries of Crusaders, explorers, proto-archaeologists, and modern literary travelers such as Herman Melville and Mark Twain, and today is a multi-billion-dollar global industry.

The study of pilgrimage generally mirrors the sentiments of pilgrims themselves, in that it has been traditionally suffused with tensions stemming from a number of contradictory experiences travelers confront. How can they be modern if they are engaging in such an age-old, almost medieval tradition? Does it count as serious pilgrimage if they avail themselves of commercial experiences and ludic activities staged by the tourism industry? Why do they travel far distances to resolve issues in their home lives? Why do they publically perform such devotional practices if they feel that it is inherently a private, “interior journey” on which they are embarking? Do Protestants even recognize pilgrimage as a viable category, since most denominations (though not all) privilege direct and unmediated interaction with the Divine through prayer over the ritualized, materialistic, place-centered practices that mark Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy?

In this context, Hillary Kaell’s Walking Where Jesus Walked: American Christians and Holy Land Pilgrimage is a fascinating and sensitive look at Catholic and Evangelical Protestant travelers to the biblical origin of their faiths. While there are numerous studies on Holy Land pilgrimage in a variety of languages that focus on a diversity of time periods and demographics, Kaell’s is not only one of the first to center squarely on contemporary American travelers, but it also does so through the holistic approach of following pilgrims—whom she calls the “foot soldiers” of this profitable travel industry—before, during, and after the trip itself. Her work is based on ethnographic research—the qualitative bread-and-butter of anthropological inquiry—including participant observation (interacting with and observing her subjects while participating as a pilgrim), open-ended interviews, and some survey research. As a result, this well-organized and eminently readable monograph is punctuated by thick description and illuminating, often quite emotionally engaging interviews that bring its pilgrim voices to life.

The binary oppositions between ancient/modern, pilgrimage/tourism, religion/commercialism, public/private, interior/exterior, and Catholic/Protestant in Holy Land pilgrimage structure Kaell’s book. In particular, she argues that a common thread linking all of these dualities is the way that the actors negotiate a “problem of presence.” That is, how are Jesus and the biblical events of the past made present to these travelers? By voluntarily undertaking a “trip of a lifetime” (as many of her informants call it) to quite literally “walk where Jesus walked,” pilgrims are confronted with existential and ontological questions triggered by comparing their present experiences and future objectives with an idealized, imagined religious past. They therefore must work to resolve these issues. Traveling abroad and experiencing Otherness forces them to take stock of their lives at home; confronting other Christian denominations and religions (from Messianic Jews and Arab Christians to Jewish Israelis and Muslim Palestinians) obliges them to rethink taken-for-granted assumptions about religious pluralism. Moreover, encountering the directives of the tour’s spiritual leaders with their desire to take photographs and purchase souvenirs compels them to negotiate their notions of duty, kinship, age and gender. Indeed, these latter elements are central to Kaell’s analysis: a vast majority of these pilgrims are retired women (“middle-old,” they say), who frequently make sense of their actions by drawing on common gender stereotypes: that women are more spiritual than men, more inclined to shop, and bear a larger burden for transmitting religious faith to their family.

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O livro

KAELL, H. Walking Where Jesus Walked: American Christians and Holy Land Pilgrimage. New York: New York University Press, 2014, 286 p. – ISBN 9781479831845.


KAELL, H. Walking Where Jesus Walked: American Christians and Holy Land Pilgrimage. New York: New York University Press, 2014, 286 p.

Quem é Michael A. Di Giovine?

Michael A. Di Giovine is Assistant Professor of Anthropology at West Chester University and Honorary Fellow at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. The author of The Heritage-scape: UNESCO, World Heritage and Tourism and co-editor of The Seductions of Pilgrimage: Sacred Journeys Afar and Astray in the Western Religious Tradition, his research focuses on the intersection of pilgrimage, tourism and cultural heritage, particularly as it relates to the global cult of St. Padre Pio of Pietrelcina and UNESCO’s World Heritage program. A former tour operator, Michael is Convenor of the Anthropology of Tourism Interest Group at the American Anthropological Association, and co-editor of Lexington Books’ series, The Anthropology of Tourism: Heritage, Mobility and Society. Home Page:

Deste autor, leia:

DI GIOVINE, M. A.; PICARD, D. The Seductions of Pilgrimage: Sacred Journeys Afar and Astray in the Western Religious Tradition. Revised ed. Abingdon: Routledge, 2016, 288 p. -ISBN 9781472440075.

The Seductions of Pilgrimage explores the simultaneously attractive and repellent, beguiling and alluring forms of seduction in pilgrimage. It focuses on the varied discursive, imaginative, and practical mechanisms of seduction that draw individual pilgrims to a pilgrimage site; the objects, places, and paradigms that pilgrims leave behind as they embark on their hyper-meaningful travel experience; and the often unforeseen elements that lead pilgrims off their desired course. Presenting the first comprehensive study of the role of seduction on individual pilgrims in the study of pilgrimage and tourism, it will appeal to scholars of anthropology, cultural geography, tourism, heritage, and religious studies.

DI GIOVINE, M. A.; PICARD, D. Tourism and the Power of Otherness: Seductions of Difference. Bristol: Channel View Publications, 2014, 208 p. – ISBN 9781845414153.

This book explores the paradoxes of Self–Other relations in the field of tourism. It particularly focuses on the ‘power’ of different forms of ‘Otherness’ to seduce and to disrupt, and, eventually, also to renew the social and cosmological orders of ‘modern’ culture and everyday life. Drawing on a series of ethnographic case studies, the contributors investigate the production, socialization and symbolic encompassment of different ‘Others’ as a political and also an economic resource to govern social life in the present. The volume provides a comparative inductive study on the modernist philosophical concepts of time, ‘Otherness’, and the self in practice, and relates it to contemporary tourism and mobility.

Pensando a economia antiga

Theorizing “the Ancient Economy”: Three Paradigms

By Thomas R. Blanton IV – Ancient Jew Review – April 12, 2017

Abbreviated version of a paper delivered at the Early Christianity and the Ancient Economy session; SBL Annual Meeting 2016.

It would seem that the study of “the ancient economy” is in a period of ferment. Three new SBL program units have been added since 2004 that treat aspects of the ancient economy: Early Christianity and the Ancient Economy, Economics in the Biblical World, and Poverty in the Biblical World. In the field of classical studies, the 2008 publication of The Cambridge Economic History of the Greco-Roman World has effectively ushered in a post-Finleyan era in the study of Greco-Roman economies by incorporating methods developed in the field of New Institutional Economics. In what follows, we examine representative samples of three emergent methodological trends: (1) the turn toward New Institutional Economics in studies of Greece and Rome; (2) Roland Boer’s model of the economy of ancient Israel; and (3) K. C. Hanson and Douglas Oakman’s social-scientific approach in New Testament studies. These models differ significantly from each other and are drawn from what are often treated as three distinct fields: classics, Hebrew Bible, and New Testament studies. It is precisely the differences between the models that are most illuminating, however, and juxtaposing them quickly reveals the emphases—and omissions—that are specific to and that characterize each model.

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Leia Mais:
Douglas Oakman no Observatório Bíblico
Roland Boer no Observatório Bíblico
K. C. Hanson no Observatório Bíblico

Jesus existiu mesmo?

Assista no YouTube :

:. Jesus existiu? Especial Semana Santa, parte 1 – 12.04.2017
Atendendo a pedidos do pessoal que assiste ao canal e tentando dissipar as eternas dúvidas sobre o tema, começo uma minissérie de Semana Santa sobre as dúvidas a respeito da existência histórica de Jesus. Afinal, há alguma base por trás da tese que afirma que Jesus Cristo foi apenas um mito inventado pelos primeiros cristãos?

:. Textos sobre Jesus foram forjados? Especial Semana Santa, parte 2 – 14.04. 2017
Afinal, será que historiadores e cronistas não cristãos do século I d.C. chegaram a mencionar Jesus ou os textos que chegaram até nós são apenas fraude deslavada? Neste vídeo, vamos examinar em detalhes três exemplos dessas menções. O consenso entre os historiadores é que pelo menos duas delas são autênticas, o que indicaria que Jesus, embora não fosse nem de longe famoso ou importante naquele momento, era visto como um personagem real, e não como um mito. 

:. Paulo inventou o mito de Jesus? Especial Semana Santa, parte 3 – 15.04.2017
Será que os textos mais antigos do Novo Testamento, como as cartas do apóstolo Paulo e o Evangelho de Marcos, indicam que Jesus não foi um ser humano real, mas simplesmente um mito criado pelos primeiros cristãos como base para uma nova seita mística? Essa, em resumo, é a tese do livro “Nailed” (um trocadilho com as palavras em inglês para “pregado” e “resolvido”), escrito pelo historiador e ativista ateu americano David Fitzgerald. A obra de Fitzgerald é a primeira da corrente miticista (ou seja, dos historiadores que defendem que Jesus não foi uma pessoa real, mas apenas uma figura mítica) a chegar ao Brasil. Neste vídeo, explico os principais argumentos de Fitzgerald e conto por que, embora o autor tenha tentado fazer um trabalho sério, a tese dele não se sustenta nem de longe, na minha opinião — e na opinião da imensa maioria dos historiadores do cristianismo primitivo.

Por Reinaldo José Lopes.

Veja também outros vídeos de Reinaldo José Lopes.

Leia Mais:
Jesus Histórico no Observatório Bíblico

Nono Seminário Henóquico

9th Enoch Seminar, June 18-23, 2017: “From tôrāh to Torah: Variegated Notions of Torah from the First Temple Period to Late Antiquity”

Chairs: William M. Schniedewind (University of California at Los Angeles) and Jason M. Zurawski (University of Groningen), in collaboration with Gabriele Boccaccini (Director of the Enoch Seminar).

Date: June 18-23, 2017

Place: Monastero di Camaldoli, Camaldoli, Italy

Area of Focus:

The Enoch Seminar and the resultant volume will examine the diverse understandings of tôrāh, beginning with the texts of the Hebrew Bible through to the Second Temple period and late antiquity, moving beyond traditional paradigms such as the early usage of tôrāh as general instruction vs. the transition to nomos, as “law,” or the development of a “normative” notion of Torah (capitalization intentional) in the Second Temple period. Participants are encouraged to rethink our scholarly assumptions and preconceptions on the topic and tackle the questions anew in light of more critical philological and historical approaches. We seek to examine the various notions of tôrāh (and nomos) in all relevant literature, regardless of scholarly or denominational corpora, both within ancient Jewish/Judean traditions and in light of broader influences, whether Egyptian, Mesopotamian, Greek, Roman, Persian, etc. As this meeting follows and builds upon the work from the Fifth Nangeroni Meeting, “Second Temple Jewish Paideia in its Ancient Near Eastern and Hellenistic Contexts” (June/July 2015), discussions pertaining to the connections between tôrāh/Torah/nomos/dat and education, pedagogy, wisdom, etc., are especially encouraging. Our aim will be to discuss the variety of ways that tôrāh was defined and developed in the literature.

Visite: 4 Enoch: The Online Encyclopedia of Second Temple Judaism, and Christian and Islamic Origins

Uma história do Novo Testamento em latim

HOUGHTON, H. A. G. The Latin New Testament: A Guide to its Early History, Texts, and Manuscripts. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016, 400 p. – ISBN 9780198744733.

HOUGHTON, H. A. G. The Latin New Testament: A Guide to its Early History, Texts, and Manuscripts. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016, 400 p.

O livro

This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the history and development of the Latin New Testament and a user’s guide to the resources available for research and further study. The first five chapters offer a new historical synthesis, bringing together evidence from Christian authors and biblical manuscripts from earliest times to the late Middle Ages. Each witness is considered in its chronological and geographical context, to build up the bigger picture of the transmission of the text. There are chapters introducing features of Latin biblical manuscripts and examining how the Latin tradition may serve as a witness for the Greek New Testament. In addition, each book of the New Testament is considered in turn, with details of the principal witnesses and features of particular textual interest. The three main scholarly editions of the Latin New Testament (the Vetus Latina edition, the Stuttgart Vulgate, and the Oxford Vulgate) are described in detail. Information is also given about other editions and resources, enabling researchers to understand the significance of different approaches and become aware of the latest developments. The Catalogue of Manuscripts gives full details of each manuscript used in the major editions, with bibliographical references and links to sets of digital images. The Appendices include concordances for the different ways in which manuscripts are cited in scholarly literature. An extensive reference bibliography of publications on the Latin New Testament is also supplied.

O sumário

Part I: History
1. From the Beginnings to the End of the Third Century
2. The Fourth Century and the Beginning of the Vulgate
3. Competing Texts: The Fifth to the Seventh Centuries
4. The Eighth and Ninth Centuries
5. The Tenth Century Onwards: Scholarship and Heresy
Part II: Texts
6. Editions and Resources
7. An Overview of the Text of the Latin New Testament
Part III
8. Features of Latin Biblical Manuscripts
9. Catalogue of Latin New Testament Manuscripts
1. Concordances of Manuscript Sigla
2. Latin Prefaces, Prologues, and Capitula for the Books of the New Testament

O autor

H.A.G. Houghton is Reader in New Testament Textual Scholarship at the University of Birmingham, where he is also Deputy Director of the Institute for Textual Scholarship and Electronic Editing. He is one of the editors of the Gospel according to John and corresponding editor for the principal Pauline Epistles in the Vetus Latina series.

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Pedras, tabuinhas e rolos: quatro períodos da formação da Bíblia

Conferência Internacional no PIB – Pontifício Instituto Bíblico: 11-13 de maio de 2017

Stones, Tablets and Scrolls: Four Periods of the Formation of the Bible

Conferência Internacional no PIB: Stones, Tablets and Scrolls: Four Periods of the Formation of the Bible

Com 24 conferencistas:

Alice M. W. Hunt (University of Georgia, Athens, GA), Eckart Frahm (Yale University, New Haven, CT), Peter Dubovský (Pontifical Biblical Institute, Rome), Peter Machinist (Harvard University, Cambridge, MA), Jean Louis Ska (Pontifical Biblical Institute, Rome), Jeffrey Zorn (Cornell University, Ithaca, NY), Michael Jursa (Universität Wien), Hermann-Josef Stipp (Ludwig Maximilians-Universität, Munich), David Vanderhooft (Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA), Erhard Blum (Universität Tübingen), Pierfrancesco Callieri (Università di Bologna, campus di Ravenna), Agustinus Gianto (Pontifical Biblical Institute, Rome), Eric Meyers (Duke University, Durham, NC), Diana Edelman (University of Oslo), Federico Giuntoli (Pontifical Biblical Institute, Rome), Israel Finkelstein (Tel Aviv University), Thomas Römer (Collège de France, Paris), Oren Tal (Tel Aviv University),  Joseph Sievers (Pontifical Biblical Institute, Rome), Barbara Schmitz (Universität Würzburg), Katell Berthelot (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Aix-en-Provence), Henryk Drawnel (Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski, Lublin), Marcello Fidanzio (Facoltà di Teologia di Lugano) e Emanuel Tov (Hebrew University, Jerusalem)

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