RENFREW, C. ; BAHN, P. Archaeology: Theories, Methods, and Practice. 7. ed. London: Thames & Hudson, 2016, 672 p. – ISBN 9780500292105.
This new edition is the most comprehensive introduction to archaeological method and theory available. It is used by instructors and students for introductory courses on methods and theory, but also for classes on archaeological field methods, archaeological science, and a number of other courses. The book presents an up-to-date and accurate overview of the world of archaeology in the 21st century. Colin Renfrew is Disney Professor Emeritus of Archaeology and former Director of the McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research at the University of Cambridge, UK. Paul Bahn is a freelance writer, translator, and broadcaster in archaeology.
Uma abrangente introdução à teoria e ao método arqueológico. O livro apresenta uma visão atualizada e precisa do mundo da arqueologia no século XXI. É considerado um clássico na área.