Proprietário do Evangelho da Esposa de Jesus é descoberto

Quem não se lembra do Evangelho da Esposa de Jesus?

Então leia:

The Owner of the Gospel of Jesus’ Wife is Unmasked

Por Mark Goodacre – NT Blog – 15.06.2016

Que está indicando a leitura de:

The Unbelievable Tale of Jesus’ Wife – Ariel Sabar – The Atlantic

A hotly contested, supposedly ancient manuscript suggests Christ was married. But believing its origin story requires a big leap of faith.

The Owner of the Gospel of Jesus’ Wife Unveiled – Peter Gurry – Evangelical Textual Criticism – June 16, 2016
More on the Gospel of Jesus Wife and Walter Fritz  – Christian Askeland – Evangelical Textual Criticism – June 16,2016

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