Resenhas na RBL: 23.03.2012

As seguintes resenhas foram recentemente publicadas pela Review of Biblical Literature:

Enam Al-Wer and Rudolf de Jong, eds.
Arabic Dialectology: In Honour of Clive Holes on the Occasion of His Sixtieth Birthday
Reviewed by John Kaltner

Clinton E. Arnold
Reviewed by Gregory E. Sterling

Anthony Heacock
Jonathan Loved David: Manly Love in the Bible and the Hermeneutics of Sex
Reviewed by John Barclay Burns

John R. Levison
Filled with the Spirit
Reviewed by Mark Batluck

Maynard Paul Maidman
Nuzi Texts and Their Uses as Historical Evidence
Reviewed by Ronan Head

Thomas W. Mann
The Book of the Former Prophets
Reviewed by Trent C. Butler

David Miano
Shadow on the Steps: Time Measurement in Ancient Israel
Reviewed by Spencer L. Allen

Anathea E. Portier-Young
Apocalypse against Empire: Theologies of Resistance in Early Judaism
Reviewed by Benjamin E. Reynolds
Reviewed by Joshua Schwartz

Karlheinz Schüssler, ed.
Biblia Coptica: Die koptischen Bibeltexte. Vollständiges Verzeichnis mit Standorten 4.3
Reviewed by Stephan Witetschek

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Biblical Studies Carnival 74

Seleção das melhores postagens dos biblioblogs em março de 2012.

The Carnival Has Come to Town! (The Biblical Studies Carnival That Is)

Trabalho feito por Jim West, do biblioblog Zwinglius Redivivus.

Muito bem feito.

Sobre a vinda de Silberman ao Brasil em maio próximo, ele diz:

Ayrton Jose da Silva announced an opportunity to exchange ideas with Neil Asher Silberman at a conference to be held in May, in Brazil.  Silberman will lecture on ‘The Political Uses of Archaeology’.  Now there’s a topic to sink your teeth into [expressão que significa, mais o menos, o seguinte: “Este é um tópico – Usos políticos da Arqueologia – para a gente agarrar com toda a determinação possível” Ou ainda, em bom português: “Este é um tema para se agarrar com unhas e dentes”].