Paulo e os judeus: seminário em Leuven

Essa notícia vem da Bélgica. Da Faculdade de Teologia da Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. E deve ser colocada no contexto do Ano Paulino.

The conference is organised by the Faculty of Theology, K. U. Leuven, with the support of the Flemish Scientific Research Foundation (FWO Vlaanderen) and the University Research Council (Onderzoeksraad) of the K. U. Leuven

New Perspectives on Paul and the Jews
Interdisciplinary Academic Seminar
September 14-15, 2009

Diz a página do seminário:
The twenty-first century is proving to be a challenging time for Jewish-Christian relations. 2008-2009 is the bi-millennial anniversary of Paul’s birth, a figure not unproblematic for Jewish-Christian dialogue. On different levels initiatives are being taken to promote Paul and his legacy. Our Leuven interdisciplinary research project on the New Perspectives on Paul and the Jews is seeking to address the issue of Paul and his relationship to Judaism in an academic setting. An important feature of our project consists in the fact that the exegetical issues are being discussed in a larger hermeneutical, theological and dialogical framework. The academic seminar will allow for scholars from various disciplines to enter into dialogue with one another and exchange expertise on different aspects of Paul and their relevance for Jewish-Christian Dialogue. The goal of this seminar is to provide the opportunity for high-level academic discussion. The conference is organised around 8 topics…

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The Paul Page. Dedicated to the New Perspective on Paul

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