Resenhas na RBL – 03.12.2007

As seguintes resenhas foram recentemente publicadas pela Review of Biblical Literature:

By Werner H. Kelber
– William A. Graham, Beyond te Written Word: Oral Aspects of Scripture in the History of Religion
– David M. Carr, Writing on the Tablet of the Heart: Origins of Scripture and Literature
– Susan Niditch, Oral World and Written Word: Ancient Israelite Literature
– Martin S. Jaffee, Torah in the Mouth: Writing and Oral Tradition in Palestinian Judaism, 200 BCE-400 CE
– Erhardt Güttgemanns, Offene Fragen zur Formgeschichte des Evangeliums: Eine methodologische Skizze der Grundlagenproblematik der Form- und Redaktionsgeschichte, translated by William G. Doty as Candid Questions Concerning Gospel Form Criticism: A Methodological Sketch of the Fundamental Problematics of Form and Redaction Criticism
– Richard A. Horsley, with Jonathan A. Draper, Whoever Hears You Hears Me: Prophets, Performance, and Tradition in Q
– D. C. Parker, The Living Text of the Gospels

Andrew D. Clarke
Secular and Christian Leadership in Corinth: A Socio-Historical and Exegetical Study of 1 Corinthians 1-6
Reviewed by Barbette Stanley Spaeth

Gina Hens-Piazza
1-2 Kings
Reviewed by Ralph W. Klein

Miriam Pucci Ben Zeev
Diaspora Judaism in Turmoil, 116/117 CE: Ancient Sources and Modern Insights
Reviewed by Joshua Schwartz

Shmuel Safrai, Zeev Safrai, Joshua Schwartz, and Peter J. Tomson, eds.
The Literature of the Sages: Second Part: Midrash and Targum, Liturgy, Poetry, Mysticism, Contracts, Inscriptions, Ancient Science and the Languages of Rabbinic Literature
Reviewed by Jan-Wim Wesselius

Paul-Gerhard Schwesig
Die Rolle der Tag-JHWHs-Dichtungen im Dodekapropheton
Reviewed by Rachel Bornand

Peter Stuhlmacher
Die Geburt des Immanuel: Die Weihnachtsgeschichten aus dem Lukas- und Matthäusevangelium
Reviewed by Markus Oehler

John N. Suggit, trans.
Oecumenius: Commentary on the Apocalypse
Reviewed by Pieter G. R. de Villiers

Robert C. Tannehill
The Shape of the Gospel: New Testament Essays
Reviewed by Derek S. Dodson

Ariel Álvarez Valdés
La Nueva Jerusalén, ¿ciudad celeste o ciudad terrestre? Estudio exegético y teológico de Ap. 21, 1-8
Reviewed by Sylvie Raquel

Laurence M. Vance
Greek Verbs in the New Testament and Their Principal Parts
Reviewed by Jutta Henner

Chris VanLandingham
Judgment and Justification in Early Judaism and the Apostle Paul
Reviewed by D. A. Carson

Christopher J. H. Wright
Knowing the Holy Spirit through the Old Testament
Reviewed by James Robson

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