Edição crítica do Evangelho de João

Uma edição crítica do Evangelho de João está sendo preparada por um grupo de respeito. Boa notícia para os especialistas em João.

The Gospel according to John: Editio Critica Maior. O que leio?

The International Greek New Testament Project is currently preparing a critical edition of the Gospel according to John as a collaborative effort between the Institute for Textual Scholarship and Electronic Edition (University of Birmingham), the Institut für Neutestamentliche Textforschung (University of Münster), the Theological Faculty of the University of Salzburg (Department of Coptology) and Dr P.J. Williams (University of Aberdeen). The end result will include a print publication in the series of the Editio Critica Maior and electronic editions of the Greek, Coptic, Syriac and Old Latin traditions of the Gospel which will be hosted on this site. A bibliography giving details of the IGNTP, its history, publications and procedures is available at the IGNTP website. It is hoped to link electronic editions of the Greek Majuscule manuscripts of John and the Old Latin manuscripts of John to this site in Autumn 2007.


Em The International Greek New Testament Project, site do IGNTP, leio:

Editions of John in different languages are being produced at the following institutions:

  • Greek: Institute for Textual Scholarship and Electronic Editing (ITSEE), University of Birmingham, under the direction of Professor D.C. Parker.
  • Latin: Institute for Textual Scholarship and Electronic Editing (ITSEE), University of Birmingham, under the direction of Dr P.H. Burton.
  • Coptic: Faculty of Theology, Department of Coptology (Forschungsabteilung Koptologie und Ägyptenkunde), University of Salzburg, under the direction of Professor Karlheinz Schüssler.
  • Syriac: Old Syriac – Dr P.J. Williams, (University of Aberdeen).
  • Syriac: Peshitta and Harclean version – Dr Andreas Juckel, (INTF), Münster.

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