Que tal sobrevoar as grandes pirâmides do Egito?

Pois então veja fotos aéreas da região de Gizé, onde estão as três grandes pirâmides, de Quéops, Quéfren e Miquerinos, construídas entre os anos 2700 e 2500 a.C.

Por AirPano.

Since 2006 we have been taking photos of the most significant and interesting corners of the Earth. One of the most remarkable results of our work is AirPano project, that we are still engaged in. Around 3,000 panoramas of more than 300 places of the Earth, including the North Pole, the Antarctic, volcano eruptions and even panoramas from the stratosphere, are presented on our website. Every week we publish a new virtual tour on the website www.AirPano.com.

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