Jim West sai em defesa de Luedemann e este responde a Mark Goodacre e Stephen C. Carlson

O caso Lüdemann está rendendo…

A defesa de Jim West é uma crítica do autoritarismo presente na Igreja alemã à qual pertence Lüdemann, comparando o caso de David Friedrich Strauss (1808-1874), punido quando lecionava na Universidade de Zurique, Suíça, com o de Gerd Lüdemann, afastado, no final do século XX, da cadeira de Novo Testamento da Faculdade de Teologia da Universidade de Göttingen, Alemanha.

Cito dois pequenos trechos da defesa de Jim West:

A very long time ago a gifted young scholar wrote an impressive, indeed, a groundbreaking work. It was a historical investigation of the Life of Jesus and it’s author was David Friedrich Strauss. Strauss was invited, as a result of that work, to teach at the University of Zurich. When conservative reactionaries got wind of the impending appointment they raised such a ruckus that the governing board (to their eternal shame so far as I am concerned), withdrew the call and pentioned young Strauss off. What had begun with the promise of a very fine academic appointment ended in bitter disillusionment. Strauss’s fury was unleashed against the religionists who, according to him, had ruined his life. He spent the rest of his life, a bitter and disappointed man, doing his best to undermine the facile historical ideology of his enemies (…)Fast forward, now, to the 20th century and change locations from Switzerland to Germany. Precisely the same sort of situation arose when Lüdemann published his work on the Historical Jesus. The same fundamentalists (with different faces but the same spirits) objected so loudly, so forcefully, so maliciously, that the esteemed people on the Board of Governors (or whatever they are in the German University system) buckled to the pressure and denied Gerd his rightful place. To their eternal shame, I might add [Obs.: o blog Biblical Theology, de Jim West, foi descontinuado].


Já Mark Goodacre começa seu post de hoje assim:

I have just received this response from Gerd Lüdemann to my comments on his press release (The Christmas Stories are Pious Fairy Tales) and Gerd asks if I would place this in my blog, which I am of course happy to do. I am knee-deep in grading (that’s what they call “marking” here) at the moment but I am looking forward to commenting later. The message below is as I received it from Prof. Lüdemann, with my original blog post in lower case (but combining parts of the press release and my comments) and Prof. Lüdemann’s responses in upper case.

Gerd Luedemann polemiza sobre o Natal

O conhecido professor luterano Gerd Lüdemann, afastado anos atrás pela cúpula de sua Igreja da cátedra de Novo Testamento da Faculdade de Teologia da Universidade de Göttingen, Alemanha, por suas posturas consideradas hipercríticas em relação ao Novo Testamento, gera intensa polêmica às vésperas do Natal, com um press-release sobre o nascimento de Jesus e seu significado.

Gerd Lüdemann (1946-2021)

O texto foi publicado em sua Home Page e igualmente enviado a lista de discussão Biblical Studies ontem, dia 16 de dezembro de 2005.

São 10 itens, nos quais se mesclam afirmações históricas, exegéticas e teológicas. Algumas de suas afirmações são mais do que pacíficas para o mundo acadêmico, outras são permanente objeto de debate, e umas poucas são epistemologicamente complicadas por transitarem do histórico para o teológico, e vice-versa, sem maiores explicações. O resultado da mesclagem, em tom desafiador, é que aquece a polêmica.

Os interessados podem acompanhar o debate que se estabeleceu lendo alguns biblioblogs.

A melhor análise que vi até agora foi feita por Mark Goodacre, com o título de Lüdemann on Christmas.

Acrescento também o link para um livro publicado em 2002, editado por Jacob Neusner, e que documenta a expulsão de Gerd Lüdemann de sua cátedra.

Convém lembrar que o pesquisador foi, na verdade, transferido para a cadeira de História e Literatura do Cristianismo Primitivo na mesma Universidade, ficando proibido de lecionar Novo Testamento.

Gerd Lüdemann faleceu em 23 de maio de 2021, aos 74 anos de idade.


Transcrevo aqui o texto

The Christmas stories are pious fairy-tales

Press Release December 16, 2006

The biblical accounts of the birth of the Jesus, the supposed Son of God, are mere inventions and have little relation to what really happened. Historical research has demonstrated this once and for all. Ten unquestionable facts argue against their historical credibility:

1. Written centuries earlier, the quoted words of Old Testament prophets did not predict the coming of Jesus, but referred to events and persons in their past or immediate future. They would have been shocked by the notion that Jesus’ birth was the fulfillment of their prophecies.
2. The New Testament authors derived most events of the Christmas story from prophecies of the Old Testament and misrepresented their original intent in order to make them seem to point to Jesus.
3. The notion that Mary’s pregnancy did not result from intercourse with a male is a canard. The claim of a virgin birth has two sources: the mistranslation of “young woman” by “virgin” (in a passage that clearly did not refer to Jesus!), and the desire of Christians to place their revered leader on the same level as other ancient “sons of God” who were likewise born without participation of a male.
4. The reported worldwide census ordered by Caesar Augustus did not occur.
5. The reported murder of children in Bethlehem ordered by Herod the Great did not occur.
6. Jesus was born in Nazareth, not in Bethlehem.
7. The angels in the Christmas story derive from primitive mythology.
8. The shepherds who kept watch over their flocks are idealized representatives of the poor and outcast, persons emphasized by Luke. They do not appear in Matthew’s story.
9. The magicians from the East are idealized representatives of the Gentiles and of eternal wisdom. They do not appear in Luke’s story.
10. The story of the star of Bethlehem is a fiction intended to emphasize the importance of Jesus – and, of course, to provide an entrance cue for the magicians from the East.

The logical conclusion is unavoidable: the Christmas stories recounted by the Bible and those Christian churches that present them as actual events have lost all historical credibility. Surely Jesus of Nazareth would not wish Christians to spread lies about him!

Göttingen, December 16, 2005

Prof. Dr. Gerd Lüdemann.