Publicações recentes sobre o livro do Gênesis

SCHNEIDER, T. J. In the Beginning and Still Today: Recent Publications on Genesis. Currents in Biblical Research, 18.2, p. 142-159, 2020.

São comentadas neste artigo 58 obras sobre o livro do Gênesis publicadas entre 2015 e 2018.

O artigo divide as publicações em categorias:

. Histórias da interpretação e transmissão do texto: 19 volumes
. Volumes religiosos, principalmente cristãos: 11 volumes
. Abordagens diacrônicas/histórico-críticas: 10 volumes
. Análises literárias: 12 volumes
. Estudos do Antigo Oriente Médio: 3 volumes
. Identidades múltiplas: 3 volumes


The focus of this survey is monographs about the book of Genesis published between 2015 and 2018. I have created descriptive categories, restricting each work to a single category, even though many of the volumes could easily fall into multiple groupings. I work as a Humanist and not a scientist, so the goal was not numeric accuracy but a general idea of what patterns, if any, exist among the topics on which Genesis scholars are working and how research is moving. I did not investigate whether the data for 2015–2018 is any different than for the previous three-year period. Finally, the categories used here vary between groupings based on a methodological approach and those based on the content of the volume.

The fifty-eight volumes considered include scholarly studies, as well as volumes that have a religious, usually Christian, focus but are still in a scholarly vein. For example, many commentary series serve a religious audience but are written by well-regarded scholars in biblical studies. Teaching volumes are also included if they appear to be aimed at a college audience, religious or otherwise. The survey does not include unpublished dissertations.

The categories, with the number of volumes in each, are as follows: Histories of Interpretation and Textual Transmission (19), Religious (Primarily Christian) Volumes (11), Diachronic/Historical-Critical Approaches (10), Literary Analyses (12), Ancient Near Eastern Studies (3), and Multiple Identities (3).


Tammi J. Schneider is a professor of religion at Claremont Graduate University. Her research draws together the varied fields of archaeology, Assyriology, and biblical studies in an effort to understand the ancient Near East, especially the interactions among various peoples. She teaches ancient Near Eastern History, literature, archaeology and religion, and women in the Hebrew Bible.

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