Bibliografia dos Manuscritos Gregos do Novo Testamento

ELLIOTT, J. K. A Bibliography of Greek New Testament Manuscripts. Third Edition. Leiden: Brill, 2015, 408 p. – ISBN 9789004289239

This bibliography is a comprehensive listing of books, facsimiles, collations and articles relating to some 3,500 Greek New Testament manuscripts, including references to photographic plates and albums. These are divided into the conventional categories of papyri, majuscules, minuscules and lectionaries, as classified in the current Gregory-Aland register. This third revised edition supersedes the two previous editions. Entries from those earlier editions and from three supplements, published as articles in Novum Testamentum, as well as newly published material, are to be found here.

ELLIOTT, J. K. A Bibliography of Greek New Testament Manuscripts. Third Edition. Leiden: Brill, 2015

For over a quarter of a century, Elliott’s Bibliography has rendered sterling service to the text-critical community in providing details of secondary literature arranged  by  New  Testament  manuscript. The  fifteen  years  since  the  publication of its second edition have witnessed a resurgence of interest in this discipline, stimulated in part by new scholarly approaches, the use of computers for textual  editing,  and  the  proliferation  of  digital  images  of  manuscripts  on  the  internet.  With  almost  half  as  many  pages  again,  this  expanded  third  edition  bears witness to the recent increase in activity. In addition, further witnesses continue to be identified: the new Bibliography treats 157 more entries in the Gregory-Aland Liste than its previous edition (H.A.G. Houghton, Novum Testamentum 58 (2016) 422.

O mesmo resenhista informa como o leitor pode chegar – se tiver persistência – a esta informação online no site BiBIL – Bibliographie biblique informatisée de Lausanne:

Readers are informed in the Acknowledgements that the book “is linked to the online bibliographical resources of the Faculty of Theology at the University of Lausanne to be found under its logo BiBIL” (page vii), although there is no further explanation of the significance of this or how the electronic version should be used. The website itself (now and not the address on page 407 of the printed book) is similarly uninformative: some persistence is required for users to discover that, if they select the Recherche thésaurus tab, followed by the ‘+’ symbol next to Thésaurus BiBIL, then Nouveau Testament (Problèmes d’Introduction), then Critique textuelle du Nouveau Testament, then Textes grecs, then Manuscrits, they will be confronted with four further categories corresponding to the divisions of the printed Bibliography. Two further clicks take the user to an entry for each manuscript: selecting this, followed by the Rechercher button at the foot of each page, will bring up a list of publications corresponding to those in the present book, and even boasts links to online versions of certain items.

Quem é o autor?

J. K. Elliott is Professor of New Testament Textual Criticism at the University of Leeds. He is a member of the Editorial Board of the journal Novum Testamentum.

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