Resenhas na RBL: 03.07.2014

As seguintes resenhas foram recentemente publicadas pela Review of Biblical Literature:

Harold W. Attridge
The Acts of Thomas
Reviewed by James F. McGrath

George E. Demacopoulos
The Invention of Peter: Apostolic Discourse and Papal Authority in Late Antiquity
Reviewed by Matthew R. Crawford

Katie B. Edwards
Admen and Eve: The Bible in Contemporary Advertising
Reviewed by Cynthia M. Baker

Eric J. Gilchrest
Revelation 21–-22 in Light of Jewish and Greco-Roman Utopianism
Reviewed by Thomas Hieke

Tremper Longman III
Reviewed by Richard G. Smith

Donald P. Moffat
Ezra’s Social Drama: Identity Formation, Marriage and Social Conflict in Ezra 9 and 10
Reviewed by Hannah K. Harrington

Daniel C. Owens
Portraits of the Righteous in the Psalms: An Exploration of the Ethics of Book I
Reviewed by Beat Weber

Daniel Patte and Cristina Grenholm, eds.
Modern Interpretations of Romans: Tracking Their Hermeneutical/Theological Trajectory
Reviewed by I. Howard Marshall

Franz Sedlmeier
Das Buch Ezechiel: Kapitel 25-48
Reviewed by Michael S. Moore

Stefan Seiler
Text-Beziehungen: Zur intertextuellen Interpretation alttestamentlicher Texte am Beispiel ausgewählter Psalmen
Reviewed by Gert T. M. Prinsloo

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Resenhas na RBL: 27.06.2014

As seguintes resenhas foram recentemente publicadas pela Review of Biblical Literature:

Wm. Randolph Bynum
The Fourth Gospel and the Scriptures: Illuminating the Form and Meaning of Scriptural Citation in John 19:37
Reviewed by Justin Langford

István Czachesz
The Grotesque Body in Early Christian Discourse: Hell, Scatology and Metamorphosis
Reviewed by Jesse Rainbow

Bart D. Ehrman and Michael W. Holmes, eds.
The Text of the New Testament in Contemporary Research: Essays on the Status Quaestionis. Second Edition
Reviewed by Larry W. Hurtado

Peter Enns
The Evolution of Adam: What the Bible Does and Doesn’t Say about Human Origins
Reviewed by Paul Korchin

Zbyněk Garský
Das Wirken Jesu in Galiläa bei Johannes: Eine strukturale Analyse der Intertextualität des vierten Evangeliums mit den Synoptikern
Reviewed by Jeffrey M. Tripp

Gonzalo Haya-Prats; Paul Elbert, ed.
Empowered Believers: The Holy Spirit in the Book of Acts
Reviewed by Ron Clark

Kai Kaniuth et al., eds.
Tempel im Alten Orient
Reviewed by Jason M. Silverman

Christoph Körner and Hans-Winfried Jüngling, eds.
“…denn das ist der ganze Mensch”: Jüdische Feste: Kohelet, Ester, Hoheslied, Rut, Klagelieder
Reviewed by Andreas Lehnardt

Michael Pietsch
Die Kultreform Josias: Studien zur Religionsgeschichte Israels in der späten Königszeit
Reviewed by Peter Porzig

Michael Wheeler
St John and the Victorians
Reviewed by Judith Lieu

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