Não sou um herege, mas um teólogo reformista crítico que, ao contrário de muitos de seus críticos, usa o Evangelho em vez da teologia medieval, da liturgia e da lei da Igreja como referência.
I’m not a heretic, but a critical reform theologian who, unlike many of his critics, uses the gospel instead of medieval theology, liturgy and church law as his benchmark.
Controversial Theologian Hans Küng: ‘I Don’t Cling to This Life’ [O controverso teólogo Hans Küng: ‘Não sou apegado a esta vida’] – By Markus Grill: Der Spiegel – December 12, 2013

Swiss theologian Hans Küng has been a voice for reform in the Catholic Church for decades on issues such as papal infallibility, the celibacy of priests and euthanasia. His advocacy cost him his license to teach Catholic theology and has led many to brand him a heretic. As the 85-year-old suffers from Parkinson’s disease and other ailments, he watches the church under Pope Francis contemplate many of the reforms he has long championed. He recently sat down with SPIEGEL for a wide-ranging conversation about his life and hopes for the future of the church.
“Não sou apegado a esta vida”
A revolução pela qual Hans Küng lutou por toda a vida está ocorrendo atualmente no Vaticano. Mas o teólogo está no limite das forças e só pode assistir. Uma conversa sobre a primavera católica e o inferno na terra.
“Ich hänge nicht an diesem Leben”
Im Vatikan findet zurzeit jene Revolution statt, für die Hans Küng ein Leben lang gekämpft hat. Doch der Theologe ist am Ende seiner Kräfte und kann nur noch zuschauen. Ein Gespräch über den katholischen Frühling und die Hölle auf Erden.