CBQ de abril 2010

Acabo de receber o número 2, de abril de 2010, do volume 72 da CBQ – the Catholic Biblical Quarterly. O segundo deste ano. Traz seis artigos:

. Joel S. Baden, The Morpho-Syntax of Genesis 12:1-3: Translation and Interpretation
. Jerome T. Walsh, The Organization of 2 Kings 3-11
. Joshua W. Jipp, Luke’s Scriptural Suffering Messiah: A Search for Precedent, a Search for Identity
. Jeannine K. Brown, Creation’s Renewal in the Gospel of John
. Sharon Lea Mattila, Jesus and the “Middle Peasants”? Problematizing a Social-Scientific Concept
. Colin Miller, The Imperial Cult in the Pauline Cities of Asia Minor and Greece

Este número traz, ainda, 58 resenhas de livros publicados recentemente.

Pelo menos 12 destas obras chamaram minha atenção por sua temática e foram assinaladas para leitura, pois tratam da História e da Arqueologia da Palestina, de Literatura Profética, das Origens do Judaísmo, do Livro de Jonas, do Jesus Histórico…

Resenhas na RBL: 09.06.2010

As seguintes resenhas foram recentemente publicadas pela Review of Biblical Literature:

James Allen Hewett
New Testament Greek: A Beginning and Intermediate Grammar
Reviewed by Francis Dalrymple-Hamilton

Amy-Jill Levine, ed.
A Feminist Companion to Patristic Literature
Reviewed by Judith Lieu

Joel Marcus
Mark 8-16: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary
Reviewed by William Telford

Giulio Maspero
Trinity and Man: Gregory of Nyssa’s Ad Ablabium
Reviewed by Mark DelCogliano

Denis Minns and Paul Parvis, eds.
Justin, Philosopher and Martyr: Apologies
Reviewed by Paul Foster

Benjamin E. Reynolds
The Apocalyptic Son of Man in the Gospel of John
Reviewed by William O. Walker Jr.

Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza
Democratizing Biblical Studies: Toward an Emancipatory Educational Space
Reviewed by Daniel Smith-Christopher

Andrew Steinmann
Reviewed by Ian Young

John Fleter Tipei
The Laying on of Hands in the New Testament: Its Significance, Techniques, and Effects
Reviewed by Panayotis Coutsoumpos

Martin Vahrenhorst
Kultische Sprache in den Paulusbriefen
Reviewed by Christoph Stenschke

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Resenhas na RBL: 04.06.2010

As seguintes resenhas foram recentemente publicadas pela Review of Biblical Literature:

Jan M. Bremmer, ed.
The Strange World of Human Sacrifice
Reviewed by David Frankfurter

A. Joseph Everson and Hyun Chul Paul Kim, eds.
The Desert Will Bloom: Poetic Visions in Isaiah
Reviewed by Uwe Becker

Pieter W. van der Horst and Judith H. Newman
Early Jewish Prayers in Greek
Reviewed by Judith Lieu

Karen L. King
The Secret Revelation of John
Reviewed by Douglas M. Parrott

Christina M. Kreinecker
Zeugen der Auferstehungsberichte
Reviewed by James M. Leonard

Elisa Estèvez Lòpez
Mediadoras de sanación: Encuentros entre Jesús y las mujeres: Una nueva mirada
Reviewed by Stephan Witetschek

Nathan MacDonald, Richard Bauckham, Daniel R. Driver, and Trevor A. Hart, eds.
The Epistle to the Hebrews and Christian Theology
Reviewed by John Dunnill

Shalom Paul
Isaiah 40-66: A Commentary [Hebrew]Reviewed by Benjamin D. Sommer

Jeremy M. Schott
Christianity, Empire, and the Making of Religion in Late Antiquity
Reviewed by Todd Krulak

Lesleigh Cushing Stahlberg
Sustaining Fictions: Intertextuality, Midrash, Translation, and the Literary Afterlife of the Bible
Reviewed by Oda Wischmeyer

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