Briga de foice no escuro

Leia Rock-em-Sockem Bible Bloggers! Comments on Secular Biblical Scholarship and the Loftus-West Kaffufle, no Dr Jim’s Thinking Shop and Tea Room, de Jim Linville, onde os muitos links podem ser seguidos…

Cuidado: links perigosos! É algo do tipo “o meu biblioblog é maior do que o seu”…

Ou talvez aqui, já que os links acima sumiram:

It started just like many religious sectarian wars do. One blogger who regards himself as a “true” biblioblogger accused another blogger of being a “false” bliblioblogger. In this case the true biblioblogger is supposed to be Jim West, who first issued the accusation, and the false biblioblogger is supposed to be John Loftus. John Loftus responds that West is just afraid that a secularist is fast gaining ground in the biblioblogosphere. Who is right?

Sinônimos do fenômeno? Veja o que oferece o Houaiss em Tremendo barraco.

3 comentários em “Briga de foice no escuro”

  1. Jim Will Be Back!

    "There's a big stir about Jim West's 'retirement' from blogging, which he has apparently announced on Facebook. But don't believe it. Jim will surely be back. He's done this sort of thing to grab attention many times before. Here's the history…"

    Fonte: The Busybody – by Loren Rosson III @ 1/02/2010

  2. Sobre a decisão de Jim West de parar de blogar e de apagar o seu blog completamente [mais uma vez!], aqui se encontra um bom "roundup":

    Where in the world is Jim West? Updated as the obits arrive

    Fonte: The Church of Jesus Christ – by Joel L. Watts: January 2010

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