Qual seria o nome antigo de Khirbet Qeiyafa?

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Como: Descoberta cidade que provaria existência do reino de Davi (Terra) ou Cientistas encontram registro ‘mais antigo de escrita hebraica’ (BBC Brasil) ou ainda Arqueólogo diz ter encontrado o mais antigo texto hebraico (Estadão) e depois ver cuidadosamente o que dizem os biblistas em seus blogs sobre mais este controvertido achado.

O Journal of Hebrew Scriptures publicou recentemente o seguinte artigo em seu volume 8, 2008: Nadav Na’aman, In Search of the Ancient Name of Khirbet Qeiyafa.

This article discusses the identity of the recently excavated stronghold of Khirbet Qeiyafa, a tenth century BCE site located near the Valley of Elah, in the area where the story of the battle between David and Goliath takes place. There is also the story of a battle between Elhanan the Bethlehemite and Goliath of Gath that takes place at Gob (2 Sam 21:19). In light of a comparison of the two episodes I suggest identifying Khirbet Qeiyafa with biblical Gob. A close reading of the four anecdotes related in 2 Sam 21:15-22 clarifies the message of the early biblical tradition of four battles fought between Israelite and Philistine elite warriors that culminated in the advance of the Israelite troops to the gates of Philistine Gath.

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