Jerusalem International Book Forum

A 23a. Feira Internacional do Livro acontece em Jerusalém de hoje, dia 18, até sexta-feira próxima, dia 23 de fevereiro de 2007. Veja o programa do evento que está, no site, em hebraico e inglês.

The 23rd Jerusalem International Book Fair will take place from February 18-23, 2007.

Se entendi corretamente, a feira terá no dia 23, último dia, a apresentação do documentário The Bible Unearthed. The Making of a Religion, baseado no livro de Finkelstein e Silberman, The Bible Unearthed.

Em francês, o título do livro é La Bible dévoilée (A Bíblia revelada), e é isto o que consta no programa, como uma atividade de “Cinemateque”.


Since its inception in 1963, the Jerusalem International Book Fair has brought together members of the international publishing community for a week of professional and intellectual as well as informal gatherings.

The Jerusalem International Book Forum continues in this tradition, deepening and expanding the professional relationships formed in the friendly, open atmosphere that has become the signature characteristic of the JIBF. The Forum builds on the unique achievements of the Fair to offer a vibrant, relevant, and engaging platform for publishing professionals. The new JIBF serves as both a workshop and social gathering, recognizing that the bonds and connections between people are among our most valuable resources. The new JIBF is a meeting ground for discussing challenges, exchanging ideas, and sharing insights and experience.

At the heart of the new JIBF is a program of events (participation requires pre-registration) including panels, discussion groups, interviews, presentations and informal gatherings, where publishing professionals can engage in the free exchange of ideas with their colleagues.

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