Encontrados túneis usados pelos judeus na guerra contra Roma

Encontrados em Caná da Galileia túneis usados pelos judeus na guerra contra Roma em 66 d.C.


Underground Tunnels Found in Israel Used In Ancient Jewish Revolt

Underground chambers and tunnels used during a Jewish revolt against the Romans nearly 2,000 years ago have been uncovered in northern Israel, archaeologists said Monday.

The Jews laid in supplies and were preparing to hide from the Romans during their revolt in A.D. 66-70, the experts said. The pits, which are linked by short tunnels, would have served as a concealed subterranean home.

Yardenna Alexandre of the Israel Antiquities Authority said the find shows the ancient Jews planned and prepared for the uprising, contrary to the common perception that the revolt began spontaneously.

“It definitely was not spontaneous,” Alexandre said. “The Jews of that time certainly did prepare for it, with underground hideaways here and in other sites we have found.”

The underground chambers at the Israeli Arab village of Kfar Kana, north of Nazareth, were built from housing materials common at the time and hidden directly beneath the floors of aboveground homes — giving families direct access to the hideouts. Other refuges found from the time of the revolt are hewn out of rock.

“This construction was very well camouflaged inside one of the houses,” Alexandre said. “There are three pits under this house and one tunnel leading to another pit. There are 11 storage jars in that pit.”

Built like igloos, the chambers are wide at the base and small at the top. The tunnels between them are short and the ceilings are too low for standing upright.

Zeev Weiss, a professor of archaeology at Hebrew University in Jerusalem not connected to the discovery, said the find “can give us more information about life in the Galilee in the first century and the preparations Jews were making on the eve of the revolt.” Weiss is director of excavations at Sepphoris, which was the largest city in the Galilee at the time of the revolt.

The Jewish revolt against Roman rule ended in A.D. 70, when the Romans sacked Jerusalem and destroyed the Second Temple.

The ancient Jews at the Kfar site built their houses over the ruins of a fortified Iron Age city, reusing some of the stones from the original settlement. Then they dug through 5 feet of debris from the ruins to build their hideaway complex. “It was quite a lot of work,” Alexandre said.

The original settlement, which dates from the 10th and 9th centuries B.C., is also a new discovery.

Alexandre attributes current dating of the original city as an Iron Age settlement to pottery remains, which are plentiful. The excavators have also found large quantities of animal bones, a scarab depicting a man surrounded by two crocodiles and a ceramic seal bearing the image of a lion.

The excavation of the city’s architecture has uncovered fortified walls which still stand 5 feet tall in some places. “It’s magnificent,” said Alexandre. “You can walk among them.”

Fonte: Associated Press – March 15, 2006

The Technorati Weblog: State of the Blogosphere Report

State of the Blogosphere, February 2006 Part 2: Beyond Search

In Part 1 of the State of the Blogosphere report, I covered the overall growth of the blogosphere. Today I’m going to cover the growth of the blogosphere as media, and discuss some of the emerging trends that deal with handling information overload. In a world of over 50,000 postings per hour, and over 70,000 new weblogs created each day, keeping on top of and in tune with the most interesting and influential people and topics is the new frontier beyond search. I’ve also got some surprises for you at the end of this post, two new features that I hope you’ll find useful. But first, let’s get our hands dirty in the data.

MSM vs. Blogs

To start, let’s look at how attention has been shifting in the blogosphere. In the chart below, the top news and media sites are charted according to the number of bloggers linking to them, and clearly, people are still paying a lot of attention to mainstream media stalwarts like The New York Times, CNN, and The Washington Post.

For these sites, which sit on what I call The “Big Head” of the curve (as opposed to the now-famous “long tail”, four blogs – BoingBoing, Engadget, PostSecret, and Daily Kos show up. This may look a bit smaller than the data of last August, but a quick look a bit further down the tail starts telling a more interesting story (Note that I’ve flipped the axes so that you can see more data):

As you continue down the media attention curve past the “big head”, that the number of blogs starts to grow.

The Long Tail

The chart below shows the attention curve once you get past the blogs that look just like mainstream media above. It is important to note how long the long tail really is: this chart at this scale doesn’t show it – the long tail of the blogging world goes out to 27.2 million blogs. To give a sense of scale, if this chart was kept to the same scale and I printed out the additional sheets necessary on regular 8.5 x 11 inch sheets of paper in landscape mode to show the entire long tail, the length of the complete graph would be about 120 pages long, making the entire chart about 110 feet long!

Movement along the curve

With so may blogs and bloggers out there, one might think that it is a lost cause for new bloggers to achieve any significant audience, that the power curve means that there’s no more room left at the top of the “A-List”.

Fortunately, the data shows that this isn’t the case.

Thanks to the Wayback machine, here’s a look at the Technorati Top 100 as it appeared on November 26, 2002 (bear with me if the wayback machine is slow). Then look at it as it appeared on December 5, 2003. And again on November 30, 2004. And again on April 1, 2005. And now look at it today.

Let’s take a few examples. Have a look at PostSecret. It is the #3 site on the Technorati Top 100 today, with over 12,000 sites that have linked to it in the last 180 days. It didn’t even exist on the chart in April of 2005. Or look at The Huffington Post. It is #5 on the Top 100. It too, didn’t exist on the chart in April of 2005. Or look at the #47 blog in April, 2005 Baghdad Burning. This blog still is regularly posting, but has fallen to #304.

This should not be meant to imply that there are no network effects, or that a power law relationship doesn’t exist in the Blogosphere. Of course there are network effects. But I want to go a level or two deeper than just thinking about the blogosphere as an A-List and The Long Tail — for that’s far too simplistic, and leaves out some of the most interesting blogs and bloggers out there.

The Magic Middle

This realm of publishing, which I call “The Magic Middle” of the attention curve, highlights some of the most interesting and influential bloggers and publishers that are often writing about topics that are topical or niche, like Chocolate and Zucchini on food, Wi-fi Net News on Wireless networking, TechCrunch on Internet Companies, Blogging Baby on parenting, Yarn Harlot on knitting, or Stereogum on music – these are blogs that are interesting, topical, and influential, and in some cases are radically changing the economics of trade publishing.

At Technorati, we define this to be the bloggers who have from 20-1000 other people linking to them. As the chart above shows, there are about 155,000 people who fit in this group. And what is so interesting to me is how interesting, exciting, informative, and witty these blogs often are. I’ve noticed that often these blogs are more topical or focused on a niche area, like gardening, knitting, nanotech, mp3s or journalism and a great way to find them has been through Blog Finder.

Explore: Dealing with Information Overload

Given that there’s a lot of interesting topical posts by influential or authoritative bloggers in those topic areas, we formulated an idea: Why not use these authoritative bloggers as a new kind of editorial board? Watch what they do, what they post about, and what they link to as input to a new kind of display – a piece of media that showed you the most interesting posts and conversations that related to a topic area, like food, or technology, or politics, or PR. The idea is to use the bloggers that know the most about an area or topic to help spot the interesting trends that may never hit the “A-list”. We call this new section Explore, and we’ve seeded it with some of the most interesting topics that we could find. But one of the nice things about Explore is that there are no gatekeepers, and that anyone who writes interesting topical blog posts can get included simply by tagging his blog and tagging his posts.

It’s still pretty new, and occasionally an irrelevant post or two sneaks into the display. We’re working on fixing that, but one of the new features we’re launching today is the ability to subscribe to an RSS feed of any explore category, so you can now read the most interesting posts via your favorite newsreader.

These middle tier blogs also define communities of interest in the blogosphere. Its easy to think of the blogosphere as a cacophony of voices spread out over a big long tail distribution. But Blog Finder and Explore help resolve these thousands of blogs into topical, relevant communities of interest that interlink, refer to one another and often wrestle with ideas, discuss them and move them along. People often ask, “what blogs should I read?” And often times a good answer is, “you should read the posts from the leading blogs in topics that of interest you. Blog Finder and Explore make this possible for the first time on a wide variety of topics— and in so doing we hope will the blgosphere more approachable, useful, and comprehensible to more people than ever before.

Filter By Authority: Giving YOU the power to tune your searches

There’s one more big feature that I wanted to write about tonight, our new Filter By Authority feature. You can see this on all keyword search results pages, looking like this:


Clicking on the green slider allows you to easily refine your search results to show greater or fewer matching blog posts. For some searches, you might want to pick and choose only posts from blogs that have been around a while and are highly influential – so pick “a lot of authority” as shown above. I’ve found this great for searches on highly trafficked topics, like “George Bush” or Olympics, or on topics that are known to get a lot of spam, like mortgage or refinance. I find that it often helps me to also answer the question, “Who is the most influential blogger talking about XXX this week, and what did she say?”

Clicking lower on the slider gives you the ability to see how different levels of filtering affect your search results. For my ego feeds, I always want to see every single mention, so I turn off filtering for those feeds. I also love looking at the charts on the left-hand side of each search result to see what changes when I change the filter, too.

As we implemented this feature, we spent a lot of time thinking about how to name it. We frequently use the term authority on our site when we talk about inbound links, as in “a link is a vote of authority.” So to maintain consistency we called this new feature, ” sort by authority.” But in no way should this imply a value judgment. More authority doesn’t necessarily mean more good or more interesting. In many instances, less authority yields more interesting results: a greater diversity of opinion, less mainstream thinking, more individual voices. The authority filter is a tool to fine tune results, and its a great way to zoom in on the voices that are commanding the most attention, and then zoom back out and listen to the whole diverse medium that is the blogosphere. With so many voices we’re happy to add a new tuning control!

This new feature is a beta feature, so we’re looking for your feedback! Do you like it? Find it useful? Or is it confusing? What about the name? We tried a number of different names for the feature, but ended up picking “filter by authority” since we speak about a blogger’s authority as being based on the number of links he gets from other people, but it isn’t a perfect analogy. In the end, we decided that rather than having the perfect name, we’d much rather get the feature out there for all of you to try, and we’d listen intently to your feedback and comments.

In Summary

. Blogging and Mainstream Media continue to share attention in blogger’s and reader’s minds, but bloggers are climbing higher on the “big head” of the attention curve, with some bloggers getting more attention than sites including Forbes, PBS, MTV, and the CBC.
. Continuing down the attention curve, blogs take a more and more significant position as the economics of the mainstream publishing models make it cost prohibitive to build many nice sites and media
. Bloggers are changing the economics of the trade magazine space, with strong entries covering WiFi, Gadgets, Internet, Photography, Music, and other nice topic areas, making it easier to thrive, even on less aggregate traffic.
. There is a network effect in the Technorati Top 100 blogs, with a tendency to remain highly linked if the blogger continues to post regularly and with quality content.
. Looking at the historical data shows that the inertia in the Top 100 is very low – in other words, the number of new blogs jumping to the top of the Top 100 as well as he blogs that have fallen out of the top 100 show that the network effect is relatively weak.
. The Magic Middle is the 155,000 or so weblogs that have garnered between 20 and 1,000 inbound links. It is a realm of topical authority and significant posting and conversation within the blogosphere.
.Technorati Explore is a new feature that uses the authoritative topical bloggers as a distributed editorial team, highlighting the most interesting blog posts and links in over 2,500 categories.
. The new Filter By Authority slider makes it easy to refine a search and look for either a wider array of thoughts and opinions, or to narrow the search to only bloggers that have lots of other people linking to them. This gives you the power to decide how much filtering you want.

The Economist: o Brasil é um país de não-leitores

Folha Online: 16/03/2006 – 18h47

Leitura no Brasil é uma “vergonha”, diz The Economist

A aversão dos brasileiros aos livros virou assunto da última edição da influente revista britânica The Economist. Para a publicação, a situação precária das bibliotecas públicas e o baixo índice de leitura dos brasileiros constituem ‘motivo para vergonha nacional’ (…) Leia abaixo uma tradução do texto Um país de não-leitores publicado pela The Economist.

Muitos brasileiros não sabem ler. Em 2000, um quarto da população com 15 anos ou mais eram analfabetos funcionais. Muitos simplesmente não querem. Apenas um adulto alfabetizado em cada três lê livros. O brasileiro médio lê 1,8 livros não-acadêmicos por ano – menos da metade do que se lê nos EUA ou na Europa. Em uma pesquisa recente sobre hábitos de leitura, os brasileiros ficaram em 27º em um ranking de 30 países, gastando 5,2 horas por semana com um livro. Os argentinos, vizinhos, ficaram em 18º. Em um raro acordo, governo, empresas e ONGs estão todos se esforçando para mudar isso. No dia 13 de março, o governo lançou o Plano Nacional de Livros e Leitura. A medida busca impulsionar a leitura, por meio da abertura de bibliotecas e do financiamento de editoras, entre outras coisas. A ONG Instituto Brasileiro de Leitura traz livros para as pessoas (cont.)

Brazil: A nation of non-readers

Mar 16th 2006 – São Paulo – From The Economist print edition

A strange and costly disregard for books

Many Brazilians cannot read. In 2000, a quarter of those aged 15 and older were functionally illiterate. Many simply do not want to. Only one literate adult in three reads books. The average Brazilian reads 1.8 non-academic books a year – less than half the figure in Europe and the United States. In a recent survey of reading habits, Brazilians came 27th out of 30 countries, spending 5.2 hours a week with a book. Argentines, their neighbours, ranked 18th (cont.)

Apocalypse Now?

O planeta está no limite? É possível criar um futuro sustentável além de 2050? A raça humana chegou a uma encruzilhada?

Ah, mas isso não é Bíblia! Não, não é. E é. Pois ando desconfiado de que sem planeta habitável e raça humana saudável, os estudos bíblicos sofrerão algum tipo de “transtorno”, não concorda?

Antártida perde camada de gelo e desertos africanos crescem

Aquecimento global pode dividir a Amazônia

Aquecimento já extingue espécies de anfíbio

Clima pode levar a guerras por acesso a água, diz ‘Independent’

Derretimento de gelo na Antártida preocupa cientistas

Efeito estufa ameaça Everest e outras maravilhas

Impacto do efeito estufa pode ser maior que previsto, diz estudo

Mundo vive maior fase de calor dos últimos 1.200 anos

Nível do mar ‘pode subir até 34 cm neste século’

Sites relacionados ao ambiente

A Doutrina Bush: guerra preventiva com a justificativa de proteção

Bush reafirma doutrina de ataque a outros países nesta quinta

O governo de George W. Bush divulga nesta quinta feira documento em que apresenta sua disposição e “direito” de realizar disputas bélicas, sem esperar que o oponente ataque. As afirmações constam da nova versão da “Estratégia de Segurança Nacional dos EUA”, que será publicada nesta quinta-feira.

Conhecida como Doutrina Bush [que prevê ações militares preventivas com a justificativa de proteção], a versão atualizada identifica o Irã como inimigo principal dos EUA e também critica a Rússia e a China, segundo os quatro jornais que receberam antecipadamente o texto de 48 páginas, que será apresentado pelo assessor de Segurança Nacional, Stephen Hadley.

Em janeiro do ano passado, ao assumir seu segundo mandato frente ao governo dos EUA, Bush disse que daria prosseguimento à política que marcou seus quatro primeiros anos de governo [a Doutrina Bush] e que os EUA levariam “esperança a todos aqueles que vivem em tirania, sem esperança e oprimidos”.

“A política dos EUA é conseguir e apoiar governos democráticos e eliminar a tirania do nosso mundo. Lançaremos mão de armas quando for necessário”, declarou ele.

O novo documento aponta que o país “tomará todas as medidas necessárias” para se defender das pretensões nucleares tanto do Irã como da Coréia do Norte, mas insiste que os EUA “não enfrentam nenhum desafio maior de um só país que o do Irã”, segundo os jornais “The Washington Post”, “Wall Street Journal”, “The New York Times” e “Financial Times”.

“Se for necessário, sob os estabelecidos princípios de autodefesa, não descartamos o emprego da força antes que ocorram ataques [contra os EUA], ainda se persistir a incerteza sobre o momento e o lugar do ataque do inimigo”, diz o texto.

“Quando as conseqüências de um ataque com armas de destruição em massa são potencialmente tão devastadoras, não podemos ficar quietos enquanto crescem perigos graves”, acrescenta.


A estratégia expande o plano de segurança desenvolvido pela administração de Bush em setembro de 2002, antes da invasão do Iraque.

A doutrina gerou polêmica na época, quando muitos críticos afirmaram que a estratégia era uma tentativa de justificar a invasão do Iraque, mesmo sem a localização de armas de destruição em massa no país.

O documento prevê que a “capacidade e habilidade” de um inimigo são suficientes para justificar uma “guerra preventiva”.

Em sua versão revisada, Bush afirma que a política “continua a mesma” e que sua aplicação é “necessária” em alguns momentos. No entanto, o documento afirma que é necessário trabalhar “ao lado dos aliados” e que a diplomacia tem “forte preferência”.

Segundo o jornal americano “Washington Post”, o documento cita ainda tópicos como o genocídio, o tráfico de humanos e a epidemia de AIDS como questões a serem combatidas pela Doutrina Bush, descrita como “idealista em seus objetivos e realista em seus meios.”


Em relação ao Irã, os atuais esforços diplomático, com os aliados europeus, para frear seu programa nuclear “têm que ser bem-sucedidos para que se evite um confronto”, adverte a doutrina, citada pelo “Times”.

Hadley assegurou ao jornal nova-iorquino que “a frase se aplica tanto ao Irã como à Coréia do Norte”.

Um alto membro da administração de Bush disse ao “Financial Times” que o problema com o Irã não é só a questão nuclear, mas também seu apoio ao terrorismo.

Segundo o “Financial Times”, o texto começa com uma mensagem taxativa: “Os Estados Unidos estão em guerra. Esta é uma estratégia de tempos de guerra exigida pelo desafio grave que temos diante (… ) o terrorismo fomentado por uma ideologia agressiva de ódio e assassinatos”.

Fone: Folha Online – 16/03/2006


US backs first-strike attack plan

The US will not shy away from attacking regimes it considers hostile, or groups it believes have nuclear or chemical weapons, the White House has confirmed.

In the first restatement of national security strategy since the invasion of Iraq in 2003, the US singles out Iran as the greatest single current danger.

The new policy backs the policy of pre-emptive war first issued in 2002, and criticised since the Iraq war.

But it stresses that the US aims to spread democracy through diplomacy.

The new strategy also highlights a string of other global issues of concern to the US, such as the spread of Aids, the threat of pandemic flu and the prospect of natural and environmental disasters.

National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley is due to make a speech launching the new strategy on Thursday.

Other key points include:

  • Stressing US preference for “transformational diplomacy” and coalition building, but not necessarily within United Nations or Nato frameworks
  • Criticising the lack of democratic freedoms in Russia and China
  • Branding Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez a “demagogue” aiming to destabilise the region
  • Urging Palestinian militant group Hamas to recognise Israel, renounce violence and disarm.

Seven despots

The substance of the revised strategy focuses on the challenges facing the US in the wake of the Iraq war.

In a nod to previous high-level foreign policy statements, which singled out individual countries as potential enemies of the US, the new document highlights seven “despotic” states.

They are: North Korea, Iran, Syria, Cuba, Belarus, Burma and Zimbabwe.

The policy of the US, according to the opening words of the 49-page document, is “to seek and support democratic movements and institutions in every nation and culture, with the ultimate goal of ending tyranny in our world”.

These motives underpin US policy towards the continuing stand-off over Iran’s nuclear programme, the document says.

But it stresses that continuing diplomatic efforts must succeed if confrontation is to be avoided, vowing to take “all necessary measures” to protect US interests against Iran.

‘Bush doctrine’

The new document, overseen and approved by Mr Bush, leaves the so-called “Bush doctrine” of pre-emptive war largely unchanged.

Before 2002 the US largely focused on the deterrence and containment of unfriendly states.

However, likening the current international situation to the early years of the Cold War, the new document insists on the right of the US to protect its interests using force.

“If necessary, however, under long-standing principles of self-defence, we do not rule out use of force before attacks occur, even if uncertainty remains as to the time and place of the enemy’s attack,” it says.

“When the consequences of an attack with WMD [weapons of mass destruction] are potentially so devastating, we cannot afford to stand idly by as grave dangers materialise.”

Fonte: BBC – 16 March 2006

Bibliotheca Alexandrina: antiga e moderna

Em SansBlogue, de Tim Bulkeley, de 2 de março de 2006, você pode ler sobre a antiga e famosa Biblioteca de Alexandria, Egito, que está “renascendo”, toda recheada de tecnologia…

Ele diz:

The International Journal of the Book has just started a blog, presumably if biblical scholars who blog are bibliobloggers this must be a biblionblog… Their first post is Bibliotheca Alexandrinaabout the three libraries of Alexandria.

After comparing the goals of the ancient Great Library of Alexandria with those of the modern Bibliotheca Alexandrina the post contrasts the technologies used.

The library also contains an Internet center, specialized sections for audio-visual and electronic materials, microforms and rare books, as well as a Planetarium, study rooms, reading halls, museums, and spaces for conferences and art galleries.

The post concludes:

Is this a story of destruction and rebirth, of transformation and technological progress, relating the legendary past, the present and the changing future? Certainly, it is. But it also suggests that irrespective of its form, content, reading or access techniques, the role of the library was, is and will remain the same, i.e. that of a radiating repository for universal knowledge.

My conclusion is different, technology makes a great difference. The ancient library (until the late 20th century in fact) was localised, and only one person at a time could consult each “book”. So one had to visit Alexandria to consult it’s riches. The digital library (which the modern Bibliotheca Alexandrina includes) can be anywhere and everywhere. It can even through Book Mobiles (go to http://www.bibalex.org/english/initiatives/mybook.htm and scroll down) go to the poor and deprived. Print began a process of democratising books. That, in part, is how Luther could run rings round the pope and the emperor. But digitisation takes this process to a new level.

As long as “books” remain physical objects they remain sources of sensual pleasure for rich (or at least comfortably provided) readers. Once they are digital there is more chance that they can be liberated by the less wealthy. The digital divide is potentially a temporary aberration. (How many people could afford a copy of the first edition of Gutenberg’s Bible?

Por falar em conflito…

Após invadir prisão, Israel teme ações terroristas


Leia Mais:

Bombardeios de Israel deixam 340 mil desabrigados e mais de 1,4 mil mortos em Gaza; metade são mulheres e crianças – G1: 12/10/2023

Sem energia por conta de bloqueio, hospitais vão virar necrotérios, diz Crescente Vermelho; ministro israelense diz que território ficará sem energia, água e comida até a libertação dos cerca de 150 reféns levados pelo Hamas após o ataque terrorista de sábado.

De olho no senhor…

Google recusa informações ao governo americano

O Google recusou a exigência do governo dos Estados Unidos para entregar arquivos de buscas feitas no site durante uma semana.

O maior site de buscas do mundo entregou a recusa em um tribunal, em resposta à exigência oficial do governo americano.

No documento, recheado de palavras fortes, a empresa afirma que o pedido violaria a privacidade de seus usuários e revelaria segredos comerciais a seus rivais.

A direção do Google também argumenta que entregar os registros e dados exigidos pelo governo seria impraticável e não iria trazer os resultados esperados pelo governo.


O Departamento de Justiça dos Estados Unidos fez o pedido de entrega de uma semana de registros de buscas em janeiro. Pedidos semelhantes foram feitos à Microsoft, ao Yahoo e para a AOL.

Desde o início, o Google resistiu e a resposta entregue ao tribunal critica o próprio pedido de uma lista com as palavras mais usadas em buscas durante uma semana típica.

Com o pedido, o Departamento de Justiça queria subsídios para mostrar que a regulamentação voluntária não é suficiente para manter as crianças protegidas de conteúdos como pornografia na internet.

O documento registrado pelo Google afirma que a direção da empresa não acredita no argumento de que uma lista de palavras usadas em buscas possa ajudar a entender o comportamento dos usuários da internet.


“Afirmar isto demonstra tanta desinformação, como falta de bom senso,” diz o documento do Google.

Ainda segundo o documento, os engenheiros do Google também demorariam mais de uma semana trabalhando para compilar a lista.

E acrescenta: “Os usuários acreditam que quando entram no site e digitam palavras para busca que vamos manter sua privacidade, a não ser que sejamos obrigados a revelar o conteúdo”.

A União de Liberdades Civis americanas também registrou um documento apoiando a posição do Google e afirmando que “este é o mais recente exemplo de que o governo acredita que pode exigir que entidades privadas entreguem todo o tipo de informações sobre os seus clientes, só porque o governo diz que precisa destas informações”.

Um tribunal vai decidir a questão no dia 13 de março.

Apesar da posição dura adotada nos Estados Unidos, o Google aceitou restringir suas buscas na China por exigência do governo e a empresa foi duramente criticada em todo o mundo.

Uma comissão no Congresso americano criticou duramente a conduta de empresas como Microsoft, Yahoo, Cisco Systems e Google na China.

Fonte: BBC Brasil – 20 de fevereiro, 2006

Google quer comercializar acesso online a publicações

Folha Online: 15/03/2006 – 13h11

da Efe, em São Francisco

O Google planeja lançar um serviço que proporcionaria acesso a publicações sujeitas a direitos de propriedade intelectual mediante sua ferramenta de “busca dentro dos livros”, anunciou nesta semana a empresa em seu site. Por enquanto, os usuários do “Google Book Search” podem consultar fragmentos de livros sujeitos a direitos de propriedade intelectual catalogados em seu serviço, mas não podem ter acesso a textos completos. O novo serviço permitiria aos usuários registrados pagar pelo acesso imediato às publicações (cont.)



The Google Books Partner Program is developing tools for publishers to experiment with new and innovative ways to increase book revenue. The first of these tools allows you to sell online access to your book. Once you set a price for your book, users who discover it through Google Book Search will be able to pay for access to its full contents. The book will only be available to the user once they’ve signed in with their personal account, and will only be available through their browser. Users will not be able to save a copy on their computer nor copy pages from the book (cont.)