Línguas do Antigo Oriente Médio: uma bibliografia comentada

Uma interessante bibliografia comentada sobre as línguas do Antigo Oriente Médio.

Languages of the Ancient Near East: An Annotated Bibliography

John Huehnergard and Na’ama Pat-El, The University of Texas at Austin

Academia.edu – October, 2012

John Huehnergard
 Na’ama Pat-El


Writing began in the Near East, almost simultaneously in ancient Sumer in Mesopotamia and in Egypt in the late fourth millennium, and the texts of those societies constitute humanity’s earliest written records. The languages covered in this bibliography span the period from the beginning of writing up to the creation of the biblical canon around the first century CE. Most of these languages are extinct, although a few, such as Aramaic, Hebrew, and Arabic continue to be spoken in parts of the modern Middle East. The languages are grouped according to language family, beginning with the most widely attested of the families, Afro-Asiatic, and its two ancient branches, the Semitic languages and Egyptian; these are followed by the Indo-European languages for which there is documentation in the ancient Near East; finally a few well-attested ancient languages that are not part of any known language family are presented. Some of the  languages are very well attested; there are, for example, about a million cuneiform tablets in the Sumerian and Akkadian languages, in a wide range of genres. Other languages, such as Phoenician, are more sparsely attested, their grammar and vocabulary correspondingly less well known.

Como a arqueologia revoluciona nossa compreensão da Bíblia

FIENSY, D. A. Insights from Archaeology. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2017, 160 p. – ISBN 9781506400143

FIENSY, D. A. Insights from Archaeology. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2017, 160 p.

Archaeological exploration of Syria-Palestine and the ancient Near East has revolutionized our understanding of the Bible. David A. Fiensy describes how key archaeological discoveries have opened up new understandings of Israels own history and religion as well as the ancient Near Eastern and later Greco-Roman environments. He discusses the impact these discoveries have had on biblical studies, theology, and the task of biblical interpretation. The challenges for the future of archaeology and biblical study will be explored. Part of the series, Reading the Bible in the 21st Century: Insights.

A exploração arqueológica da Síria-Palestina e do Antigo Oriente Médio revolucionou nossa compreensão da Bíblia. David A. Fiensy descreve como descobertas arqueológicas importantes possibilitaram novas compreensões da história e da religião de Israel, bem como do mundo greco-romano e do Antigo Oriente Médio. Ele discute o impacto dessas descobertas sobre os estudos bíblicos e a teologia. Os desafios para o futuro da arqueologia e dos estudos bíblicos serão explorados. O livro faz parte da série, Reading the Bible in the 21st Century: Insights.


Sobre isso, leia o artigo de David A. Fiensy em The Bible and Interpretation, publicado em abril de 2017:

What Do Old, Dirty, Broken Pieces Of Pottery Have To Do With The Bible?

Onde ele diz, entre outras coisas:

… archaeology can be exciting if the excitement is about the people whose lives we come to know through the remains. If you expect to see your picture in the New York Times standing with a serious and scholarly expression on your face, surrounded by smiling “locals,” while you modestly point toward your sensational discovery under the screaming headlines: “HOW I FOUND THE ARK OF THE COVENANT!”—you may want to explore another career or at least another venue for your career. That will almost never happen in Israel.

If, however, meeting ancient folk through “their stuff” excites you, you might want to consider archaeology as a career or hobby. If you can hold a broken cooking pot, reflect on the ancient hands that fashioned it from wet clay, imagine the persons that handled the pot repeatedly to cook meals, and finally picture in your mind’s eye the many hands—large and small—that dipped into the pot to eat, then you will love archaeology. The artifacts tell us about the people who used them. That is where the “excitement” lies.

This is what my new book, Insights from Archaeology, is about (Fortress Press, due out in August of this year). It is about what life was like for the common person in both the Old Testament and New Testament periods. These are the persons who wrote nothing. They never visited the royal palace, never conquered foreign foes, and did not leave behind monumental landmarks. So, how did they live? What was their daily life like? What sort of houses did they inhabit? How did they interact with one another in community? Were they happy?

Some of these questions (“Were they happy?”) cannot be answered, at least not by archaeology. One can only guess. But we can make inroads into answering the others. We will in this monograph use not just archaeology and the biblical text but cultural anthropology as well. Answering some of these questions may not be as sensational for some readers as were the previous generations’ archaeological finds, but the answers get us to the real-life situations for most people of the ancient Israelite world, the world of the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament.

Estudos sobre a Septuaginta em 2016

Uma lista de livros sobre a LXX publicados em 2016.

Feita por James K. Aitken, professor de Hebraico, Antigo Testamento e Estudos da Época do Segundo Templo na Universidade de Cambridge, Reino Unido. Um reconhecido especialista em LXX.

Jim Aitken’s Reading List for LXX Studies

Por Jim West, em Zwinglius Redivivus – 3 de maio de 2017

Leia Mais:
LXX Scholar Interview: Dr. James K. Aitken

Humanities Commons

A Modern Language Association lançou Humanities Commons, uma rede de acesso aberto e sem fins lucrativos que fornece a acadêmicos da área de Ciências Humanas uma ferramenta de compartilhamento de sua produção.

Humanities Commons

Diz o site:

“Humanities Commons is a trusted, nonprofit network where humanities scholars can create a professional profile, discuss common interests, develop new publications, and share their work. The Humanities Commons network is open to anyone.

Humanities Commons is a project of the office of scholarly communication at the Modern Language Association. Its development was generously funded by a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. Humanities Commons is based on the open-source Commons-in-a-Box project of the City University of New York and the CUNY Graduate Center and is an expansion of the MLA’s MLA Commons, which launched in January 2013. The founding partner societies of Humanities Commons are the Association for Jewish Studies; the Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies; and the College Art Association. Each society has its own Commons hub.

Humanities Commons was designed by scholarly societies in the humanities to serve the needs of humanists as they engage in teaching and research that benefit the larger community. Unlike other social and academic communities, Humanities Commons is open-access, open-source, and nonprofit. It is focused on providing a space to discuss, share, and store cutting-edge research and innovative pedagogy—not on generating profits from users’ intellectual and personal data”.


With the increasing commercialization of Academia.edu and with the chaotic nature of institutional repositories several scholarly societies have collaborated to develop Humanities Commons.

Recursos para a crítica textual do Novo Testamento

Top Ten Essential Works in New Testament Textual Criticism – By Tommy Wasserman – Evangelical Textual Criticism: September 12, 2012

Estava observando a lista de estudos recomendados e achei que devia mencioná-la por ser valiosa. Apesar de ser de 2012. Mas leia também as recomendações dos comentaristas.

Veja ainda: Dave Black’s New Testament Greek Portal. Especialmente a seção de Crítica Textual.

11º Congresso de Arqueologia do Antigo Oriente Médio

Na Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität de Munique, Alemanha. De 3 a 7 de abril de 2018.

11th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East – ICAANE

The Organizing Committee on behalf of the LMU invites all scholars working on subjects related to Near Eastern Archaeology to participate in the 11th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East (ICAANE), which will take place at the LMU Munich (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München) from 3–7 April 2018.

The 11th ICAANE will cover all aspects of the archaeology of the Near East, from prehistoric to Islamic times, from archaeological fieldwork to art historical, historical and philological studies, as well as Cultural Heritage.

The Programme is organized in eight sections and themes:

1. Mobility in the Ancient Near East

2. Images in Context

3. Archaeology as Cultural Heritage

4. Engendering Near Eastern Archaeology

5. Societal Contexts of Religion

6. Shaping the Living Space

7. Field Reports

8. Islamic Archaeology

Projeto Fasti Congressuum

Uma página que divulga congressos sobre a Antiguidade. Criada por pesquisadores da área em universidades espanholas. A página está em espanhol, inglês e italiano.

Fasti Congressuum

Cada semana en algún lugar del mundo, se celebra un congreso, un seminario, un encuentro, una conferencia o un taller cuya temática está directamente relacionada con la Antigüedad. El interés que suscita este periodo en el mundo académico permite un intenso tráfico de ideas al que es difícil seguirle la pista. Fasti Congressuum nace con la intención de transformarse en una herramienta útil para profesionales, investigadores, estudiantes y curiosos al recopilar el mayor número posible de estos eventos en un único calendario con dos tipos de informaciones, las relativas a los Call for Papers y los propios congresos. Su temática se encuadra en los numerosos aspectos relacionados con la Antigüedad Clásica: Roma, Grecia, Egipto, Oriente, Historia, Protohistoria, Arqueología, Epigrafía, Numismática, Arte, Filología, Literatura, Filosofía, Legado, Topografía, Derecho, etc.

Leia um artigo sobre Fasti Congressuum

DUCE PASTOR, Elena et al. Renovando la difusión de call for papers y congresos de la antigüedad: Fasti Congressuum, una propuesta desde las humanidades digitales, Revista Digital Universitaria, 1 de diciembre de 2016, Vol. 17, Núm. 12.

Resumo do artigo

La falta de comunicación entre instituciones y países afecta a la difusión e internacionalización de la labor de los investigadores. Con vistas a solucionar este problema nace Fasti Congressuum, un proyecto internacional cuyo objetivo es la difusión gratuita de call for papers y congresos sobre la Antigüedad. La base del proyecto es el uso de las Humanidades Digitales, las redes sociales y todas las nuevas herramientas que nos permite crear una red de difusión efectiva, instantánea y global de los eventos científicos sobre la Antigüedad. En este artículo se presenta el proyecto Fasti Congressuum desde sus inicios, resultados obtenidos, crecimiento experimentado en apenas año y medio, y la aceptación del proyecto en el mundo académico.