Dicionário assírio

ROTH, M. T. (ed.) The Assyrian Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago (CAD). Chicago: The Oriental Institute, 1956-2010. 

ROTH, M. T. (ed.) The Assyrian Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago (CAD).

An encyclopedic dictionary of all dialects of Akkadian by a team of noted scholars of Akkadian. Each volume covers a “letter” of the Akkadian phonetic inventory. The first volume appeared in 1956, and the last in 2010. The Chicago Assyrian Dictionary (CAD) has become an invaluable source for the study of the civilizations of the ancient Near East, their political and cultural history, their achievements in the sciences of medicine, astronomy, mathematics, linguistics, and the timeless beauty of their poetry.

Download gratuito de todos os volumes. Se preferir o impresso, clique aqui.

Martha T. Roth

Martha T. Roth, the Chauncey S. Boucher Distinguished Service Professor in the Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations and the Oriental Institute; Dean of the Division of the Humanities; and Editor-in-Charge, Chicago Assyrian Dictionary.

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Histórias do Antigo Oriente Médio: uma bibliografia

Uma bibliografia comentada para o estudo da Antiguidade Clássica

WEEKS, J. M. ; DE MEDEIROS, J. A Research Guide to the Ancient World: Print and Electronic Sources. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2015, 456 p. – ISBN 9781442237391.

WEEKS, J. M. ; DE MEDEIROS, J. A Research Guide to the Ancient World: Print and Electronic Sources. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2015, 456 p.

The archaeological study of the ancient world has become increasingly popular in recent years. A Research Guide to the Ancient World: Print and Electronic Sources, is a partially annotated bibliography. The study of the ancient world is usually, although not exclusively, considered a branch of the humanities, including archaeology, art history, languages, literature, philosophy, and related cultural disciplines which consider the ancient cultures of the Mediterranean world, and adjacent Egypt and southwestern Asia. Chronologically the ancient world would extend from the beginning of the Bronze Age of ancient Greece (ca. 1000 BCE) to the fall of the Western Roman Empire (ca. 500 CE). This book will close the traditional subject gap between the humanities (Classical World; Egyptology) and the social sciences (anthropological archaeology; Near East) in the study of the ancient world. This book is uniquely the only bibliographic resource available for such holistic coverage.

The volume consists of 17 chapters and 5 appendixes, arranged according to the traditional types of library research materials (bibliographies, dictionaries, atlases, etc.). The appendixes are mostly subject specific, including graduate programs in ancient studies, reports from significant archaeological sites, numismatics, and paleography and writing systems. These extensive author and subject indexes help facilitate ease of use.


1.   What Is the Ancient World?
2.   Specialized Libraries Collection
3.   Specialized Museum Collections
4.   Guides to the Literature of the Ancient World
5.   Subject Bibliographies
6.   Regional Bibliographies
7.   Book Reviews and Yearbooks
8.   Dictionaries
9.   Encyclopedias   
10. Handbooks
11. Abstracts and Indexes
12. Journal Literature
13. Biographical Information
14. Directories of Organizations and Associations
15. Atlases
16. Photographic and Visual Collections
17. Theses and Dissertations
Appendix 1. Library of Congress Classification System
Appendix 2. Graduate Programs
Appendix 3. Archaeological Site Reports
Appendix 4. Paleography and Writing Systems
Appendix 5. Numismatics

John M. Weeks is Head Librarian, Penn Museum of Archeology and Anthropology, at the University of Pennsylvania, USA.

Jason de Medeiros is Assistant Librarian, University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archeology and Anthropology, USA.

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Histórias do Antigo Oriente Médio: uma bibliografia

A cultura cuneiforme

RADNER, K. ; ROBSON, E. (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Cuneiform Culture. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011, 805 p. – ISBN 9780199557301.

RADNER, K. ; ROBSON, E. (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Cuneiform Culture. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011, 805 p.

The cuneiform script, the writing system of ancient Mesopotamia, was witness to one of the world’s oldest literate cultures. For over three millennia, it was the vehicle of communication from (at its greatest extent) Iran to the Mediterranean, Anatolia to Egypt. The Oxford Handbook of Cuneiform Culture examines the Ancient Middle East through the lens of cuneiform writing. The contributors, a mix of scholars from across the disciplines, explore, define, and to some extent look beyond the boundaries of the written word, using Mesopotamia’s clay tablets and stone inscriptions not just as ‘texts’ but also as material artefacts that offer much additional information about their creators, readers, users and owners.

Este livro examina o Antigo Oriente Médio sob o ângulo da escrita cuneiforme. Porém, os estudiosos que aqui escrevem procuram ir além dos limites da palavra escrita, usando as tabuinhas de argila e as inscrições em pedra da antiga Mesopotâmia não apenas como textos, mas também como artefatos materiais que oferecem muitas informações adicionais sobre seus criadores, leitores, usuários e proprietários.

Karen Radner is Alexander von Humboldt Professor of the Ancient History of the Near and Middle East at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany.

Karen Radner

Eleanor Robson is a Professor of Ancient Near Eastern History at the Department of History, University College London, UK.

Eleanor Robson

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Histórias do Antigo Oriente Médio: uma bibliografia

Um guia para a arqueologia do Antigo Oriente Médio

POTTS, D. T.  (ed.) A Companion to the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East. 2 vols. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012, 1500 p. – ISBN 9781405189880.

POTTS, D. T.  (ed.) A Companion to the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East. 2 vols. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012, 1500 p.

 A Companion to the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East is a comprehensive and authoritative overview of ancient material culture from the late Pleistocene to Late Antiquity. This expansive two-volume work includes sixty new essays from an international community of Ancient Near East scholars. With coverage extending from Asia Minor, the eastern Mediterranean and Egypt to the Caucasus, Central Asia and the Indo-Iranian borderlands, the book highlights the enormous variation in cultural developments across roughly 11,000 years of human endeavor. In addition to chapters devoted to specific regions and particular periods, a large number of chapters present individual industries and major themes in ancient Near Eastern archaeology, ranging from metallurgy and agriculture to irrigation and fishing. Controversial issues, including the nature and significance of the antiquities market, ethical considerations in archaeological praxis, the history of the foundation of departments of antiquities and ancient attitudes towards the past, make this a unique collection of studies that will be of interest to scholars, students and interested readers alike. Daniel T. Potts is Professor at Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, New York University, USA.

Esta obra em dois volumes oferece, em cinquenta e oito ensaios assinados por especialistas, uma visão abrangente e competente da cultura material do Antigo Oriente Médio ao longo de 11 mil anos.

 Daniel T. Potts

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Histórias do Antigo Oriente Médio: uma bibliografia

Religião e ideologia na Assíria

PONGRATZ-LEISTEN, B. Religion and Ideology in Assyria. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2015, 553 p. – ISBN 9781614514824.

PONGRATZ-LEISTEN, B. Religion and Ideology in Assyria. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2015, 553 p.

The aim of this book is to go back in time and contextualize the development of Neo-Assyrian ideology from its origins in the earliest days of Aššur. Simultaneously, this book seeks to document the enormity of Assyria’s cultural interaction over space and time with “outside groups”. The goal here is to trace Assyrian ideology in its formative stages and to expose the emergence of certain tropes during the early history of Aššur. In other words, my primary interest lies in the development of Assyrian ideological discourse against the backdrop of changing political-historical conditions. Control of a large territorial state required an ideological system that anchored the monarchy in established ideational frameworks and religious traditions. The formulation and promulgation of such an ideology was an act of agency. A further objective of this book, therefore, is to reveal the voice of the ancient scholars and to demonstrate their agency in the shaping of the image of the king in the surviving sources. Narratives of power and ritual served to anchor kingship in the mythical past and were essential strategies for sacralizing kingship. Because ritual and narratives of power were informed by and made use of myth and Weltanschauung, they adapted perpetually to changing political landscapes. The assumption here is that cosmogonies and myths at large not only create their own versions of the world but that they also have a strong impact on the political action of elites and on their ideological discourse.

Beate Pongratz-Leisten

Beate Pongratz-Leisten is Professor of Ancient Near Eastern Studies at Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, New York University, USA.

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Histórias do Antigo Oriente Médio: uma bibliografia

Assíria: a pré-história do imperialismo

LIVERANI, M. Assiria: La preistoria dell’imperialismo. Bari: Laterza, 2017, 402 p. – ISBN 9788858126684.

LIVERANI, M. Assiria: La preistoria dell'imperialismo. Bari: Laterza, 2017, 402 p.

Gli obiettivi di questo lavoro sono pertanto due. Il più ovvio è quello di fornire la mia visione dell’ideologia imperiale assira. L’altro, invece, è di carattere comparativo, e a sua volta ha un duplice intento. Il primo consiste nel trarre dalla comparazione una più completa gamma di idee e di problematiche, di similitudini e divergenze, che giovino a meglio chiarire e meglio articolare il caso assiro. Il secondo intento è di mostrare come lo stesso caso assiro possa contribuire ad una migliore comprensione del fenomeno storico generale – con la peculiarità non trascurabile che esso si pone diacronicamente a monte dei tanti altri imperi successivi. Non c’è alcuna voglia di stabilire ingenui «primati», semmai quello di ricercare le «forme semplici» dell’imperialismo, forme che l’Assiria offre in maniera più diretta ed esplicita delle più complesse e sofisticate ideologie successive (Introduzione. Imperialismo: la materialità e l’ideologia).

Mario Liverani, uno dei maggiori studiosi del Vicino Oriente antico, rivoluziona la storia dell’antica Assiria, mostrando come qui siano emersi per la prima volta alcuni dei tratti caratteristici comuni a tutti gli imperi comparsi nella storia del mondo. Da Roma a Bisanzio, dall’impero britannico all’egemonia USA: il dominio con ogni mezzo disponibile per ricavarne vantaggi, la colpevolizzazione del nemico, l’attribuzione di una valenza universale alla propria missione hanno sempre accompagnato la vita di ogni impero.

This book outlines the basic features of Assyrian imperialism within the framework of the general development of the imperial idea, all the while insisting on noting comparative material. The intent is twofold: (1) to better understand Assyria through comparison with later empires, and (2) to underscore the relevance of the Assyrian model and its influence on later history. Although the first intention profits ancient historians, the second goal is addressed to modern and contemporary historians, who too often ignore (or at least disregard) the long historical background lying behind more recent developments. The world in general, in the present climate of globalization, deserves to be better informed about pre-modern and non-Western trajectories of world history.

Introduzione. Imperialismo: la materialità e l’ideologia
1. Dio lo vuole
2. Comunicare con Dio
3. Guerra santa e giusta
4. Esplorare per conquistare
5. La periferia funzionale
6. Collezionismo
7. Esibizione pubblica
8. Marcare il territorio: le stele
9. Le iscrizioni celebrative
10. La titolatura reale
11. La giustificazione difensiva
12. Battaglie e assedi
13. Giuramenti e violazioni
14. Punire e perdonare
15. Distruggere per ricostruire
16. «Exporting Despotism»
17. La città al centro del mondo
18. Le province
19. Da tributari a deportati
20. La rete di comunicazioni
21. Diventare Assiri
22. La prosperità imperiale
23. L’unificazione tecnologica
24. L’unificazione religiosa
25. L’unificazione linguistica
26. L’impero prototipo
27. Traiettorie dell’imperialismo
28. Imperi antichi e moderni
29. Celebrazione e realtà
30. La visione degli altri
Fonti e bibliografia

Mario Liverani (nato a Roma il 10/01/1939)

Mario Liverani (nato a Roma il 10/01/1939) è professore emerito di Storia del Vicino Oriente antico presso l’Università “La Sapienza” di Roma, Italia.

Recomendo. E muito. O livro acabou de ser publicado em italiano e em inglês. Cf. também aqui.

Para saber onde consultar as fontes assírias usadas por Mario Liverani, clique aqui. Para ver a bibliografia citada por Mario Liverani, clique aqui.

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Histórias do Antigo Oriente Médio: uma bibliografia

Deuses, demônios e símbolos da antiga Mesopotâmia

BLACK, J. ; GREEN, A. Gods, Demons and Symbols of Ancient Mesopotamia. Illustrations by Tessa Rickards. Austin: University of Texas Press, [1992] 2016, 192 p. – ISBN 9780292707948.

BLACK, J. ; GREEN, A. Gods, Demons and Symbols of Ancient Mesopotamia. Illustrations by Tessa Rickards. Austin: University of Texas Press, [1992] 2016, 192 p.

Este livro oferece um guia introdutório às crenças e costumes dos antigos habitantes da Mesopotâmia, conforme revelado em sua arte e seus escritos entre cerca de 3.000 a.C. e o advento da era cristã. Deuses, deusas, demônios, monstros, magia, mitos, simbolismo religioso, ritual e o mundo espiritual são todos discutidos em entradas alfabéticas que variam de relatos curtos a ensaios extensos. Os nomes são fornecidos nas formas suméria e acadiana, e todas as entradas são totalmente referenciadas. Uma introdução útil fornece informações históricas e geográficas e descreve as fontes de nosso conhecimento sobre a religião, mitologia e magia do “berço da civilização”.


This book offers an introductory guide to the beliefs and customs of the ancient Mesopotamians, as revealed in their art and their writings between about 3000 B.C. and the advent of the Christian era. Gods, goddesses, demons, monsters, magic, myths, religious symbolism, ritual, and the spiritual world are all discussed in alphabetical entries ranging from short accounts to extended essays. Names are given in both their Sumerian and Akkadian forms, and all entries are fully cross-referenced. A useful introduction provides historical and geographical background and describes the sources of our knowledge about the religion, mythology and magic of “the cradle of civilization”.

Jeremy Allen Black (1951 – 2004) was a leading Assyriologist, master of Sumerian literature, and Oxford University Lecturer.

Anthony Green (1956-2012) was a field archaeologist and expert in Ancient Near Eastern religious iconography. He has conducted extensive archaeological fieldwork in Syria and Iraq and writes on ancient Mesopotamian art and archaeology.

Tessa Rickards is a freelance archaeological illustrator specializing in ancient Mesopotamia. She has worked as an illustrator on numerous international excavations in the Middle East.

Dicionário de acádico

BLACK, J. ; GEORGE, A. ; POSTGATE, N. (eds.) A Concise Dictionary of Akkadian. 2. ed. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2000, 474 p. – ISBN 9783447042253.

BLACK, J. ; GEORGE, A. ; POSTGATE, N. (eds.) A Concise Dictionary of Akkadian. 2. ed. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2000, 474 p.

A reliable student’s dictionary of Akkadian. All dialects are covered.

Jeremy Allen Black (1951 – 2004) was a leading Assyriologist, master of Sumerian literature, and Oxford University Lecturer.

Jeremy Allen Black (1951 - 2004)

Andrew R. George (born 1955) is Professor of Babylonian at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London, UK.

Andrew R. George (born 1955)

Nicholas Postgate (born 1945) was Professor of Assyriology at the University of Cambridge, UK.

Nicholas Postgate (born 1945)

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Histórias do Antigo Oriente Médio: uma bibliografia

Implicações políticas e ideológicas da arqueologia do Antigo Oriente Médio

 Para entender o motivo dessa publicação, clique aqui.

POLLOCK, S.; BERBECK, R.  (eds.) Archaeologies of the Middle East: Critical Perspectives. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell, 2005, 384 p. – ISBN 9780631230014.

POLLOCK, S.; BERBECK, R.  (eds.) Archaeologies of the Middle East: Critical Perspectives. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell, 2005, 384 p.

Archaeologies of the Middle East explores the connections between modern-day politics and the social context of archaeological practice and underutilized approaches to archaeological interpretation, such as: examining the ways in which scholars write about the past, the portrayal of archaeology in the news media, and the impacts of and on archaeology in volatile political situations. Written by some of the top archaeologists of the Middle East, this volume integrates scholars from diverse backgrounds with a wide range of interests and intellectual approaches to their research. Susan Pollock is Professor Emerita at State University of New York at Binghamton, USA, and guest professor in the Institut für Vorderasiatische Archäologie at the Freie Universität Berlin, Germany. Reinhard Bernbeck is Professor Emeritus at the Institute for Near Eastern Archaeology at Freie Universitat Berlin, Germany.

Este livro trabalha as conexões entre a política atual e o contexto social da prática arqueológica. Examina as formas como os estudiosos escrevem sobre o passado, a imagem da arqueologia nos meios de comunicação e os impactos da arqueologia em situações políticas voláteis. Escrito por alguns dos principais arqueólogos do Antigo Oriente Médio, este volume congrega estudiosos de diversas origens com ampla gama de interesses e variadas abordagens intelectuais.

A arqueologia como um produto social… as implicações políticas e ideológicas da prática arqueológica… arqueologia, colonialismo, imperialismo, ideologia, religião, bíblia… Este é o assunto deste livro.

Susan Pollock

Veja o sumário:

1.  Introduction – Susan Pollock and Reinhard Bernbeck
2.  A Cultural-Historical Framework – Reinhard Bernbeck and Susan Pollock

Part I – Producing and Disseminating Knowledge About the Ancient Near East
3.  Who Has Not Eaten Cherrhttps://www.airtonjo.com/images/bernbeck-1ies with the Devil? Archaeology under Challenge – Caroline Steele
4.  Archaeology and Nationalism in the Holy Land – Adel H.Yahya
5.  Archaeology Goes to War at the Newsstand – Susan Pollock
6.  The Past as Fact and Fiction: From Historical Novels to Novel Histories – Reinhard Bernbeck

Part II – Reassessing Evolutionary “Firsts”
7.  Bleeding or Breeding: Neandertals vs. Early Modern Humans in the Middle Paleolithic Levant – John Shea
8.  Lumps of Clay and Pieces of Stone: Ambiguity, Bodies, and Identity as Portrayed in Neolithic Figurines – Ian Kuijt and Meredith S. Chesson
9.  The State: The Process of State Formation as Seen from Mesopotamia – Jean-Daniel Forest
10. Archaeology, Bible, and the History of the Levant in the Iron Age – Israel Finkelstein
11. Imperialism – Mario Liverani

Part III – Constructing Arguments, Understanding Perceptions
12. Ethnoarchaeology, Analogy, and Ancient Society – Marc Verhoeven
13. The Ancient Sumerians in the Tides of Time – Petr Charvát
14. Reliquaries on the Landscape: Mounds as Matrices of Human Cognition – Sharon R. Steadman
15. Archaeology and Texts in the Ancient Near East – Paul Zimansky
16. Representations, Reality, and Ideology – Jennifer C. Ross

Reinhard Bernbeck

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Histórias do Antigo Oriente Médio: uma bibliografia

O Antigo Oriente Médio: uma breve introdução

PODANY, A. H. The Ancient Near East: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014, 148 p. – ISBN 9780195377996.

PODANY, A. H. The Ancient Near East: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014, 148 p.

In this slim volume Amanda H. Podany ambitiously covers roughly three thousand years of history in the Ancient Near East, starting with the appearance of cuneiform writing around 3600 B.C. and continuing forward to the fall of the Neo-Babylonian Empire to the Achaemenid Iranian Empire in 539 B.C. For The Ancient Near East Podany uses a chronological presentation, as opposed to a thematic presentation. After an introductory chapter, Archaeology and Environment, each of the following chapters looks a specific chronological period in Near Eastern History. An abbreviated chronology of the main periods, references, and a short but well organized selection of suggestions for further reading round out the book. Amanda H. Podany is Professor and Chair of History at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, USA.

Em espanhol:

PODANY, A. H. El antiguo Oriente Próximo: Una breve introducción. Madrid: Alianza Editorial, 2016, 216 p. – ISBN 9788491042754.


Amanda H. Podany

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Histórias do Antigo Oriente Médio: uma bibliografia