Por que uma nova enciclopédia bíblica?

Por que uma nova enciclopédia bíblica? As questões de gênero…

(…) “Oxford University Press is issuing a series of topically-oriented Encyclopedias of the Bible. Edited by Michael D. Coogan, the series includes (among others) the Oxford Encyclopedia of the Bible and Archaeology, the Oxford Encyclopedia of the Bible and Theology, and the Oxford Encyclopedia of the Bible and Law. It was my privilege to serve as the Editor-in-chief of The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Bible and Gender Studies (OEBGS), which was published in November 2014.

Why Gender Studies? In the contemporary climate, debates rage about the Bible’s relevance for the design and maintenance of modern social structures. For examples, does same-sex marriage violate the biblical “creation order”? Does the Bible dictate particular styles of child discipline or the gender requirements for religious leaders? What does it say about abortion? Did early Christianity promote women’s equality or subvert it? What about Mary Magdalene? Does the Bible consistently portray the deity as masculine? In Romans 1, did Paul condemn same-gender loving persons or those in pederastic relationships? Are only men’s interests reflected in the Bible?

OEBGS attempts to address these and other concerns by systematically exploring the ways in which gender is constructed in the diverse texts, cultures, and readers that constitute “the world of the Bible”.”

Leia o artigo de Julia M. O’Brien, professora do Lancaster Theological Seminary, Pensilvânia, publicado, em The Bible and Interpretation, em novembro de 2014:

Why a New Bible Encyclopedia? Gender Matters

E veja também:

O’BRIEN, J. M. (ed.) The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Bible and Gender Studies: Two-Volume Set. New York: Oxford University Press, 2014, 1152 p. – ISBN 9780199836994.

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