Concilium recebeu o prêmio Herbert-Haag 2015

Ao comemorar seus 50 anos de existência a revista internacional de teologia Concilium foi agraciada com o Prêmio Herbert-Haag pela Liberdade na Igreja. O prêmio será entregue a Felix Wilfred em março de 2015 em Lucerna, Suíça.


Concilium awarded the Herbert-Haag Prize 2015

Hymns Ancient & Modern, London, UK, the publishers of the English edition of Concilium (which appears in six languages), are proud to announce that the world’s leading international theological journal founded by Karl Rahner, Edward Schillebeeckx, Johann Baptist Metz, Yves Congar, Hans Küng, Paul Brand and Anton van den Boogard has been awarded the prestigious Herbert Haag Prize for 2015 by the Herbert Haag Foundation for Freedom in the Church located in Lucerne, Switzerland. The Herbert Haag Prize is one of the world’s most coveted awards in the field of theology and associated disciplines and has been given to Concilium in acknowledgement of the journal’s exceptional achievement over its 50 years of existence in describing and analysing all major aspects of theology in the modern world, its consistent practice in responsibly following and developing the world-shaking views and debates of the Second Vatican Council, and its fearless cutting-edge advancement of the open-ended spirit of the Council in the new era of intercultural theory and practice presided over by Professor Felix Wilfred. The Prize was also awarded to the German moral theologian Regina Ammicht Quinn, a member of the Editorial Board of Concilium and a regular contributor to the journal, who teaches in the International Centre for Science and Morality in Tübingen, for her many years of courageous exploration of questions associated with Christianity and human physiology, and especially sexuality, undaunted by attempted censorship by Vatican conservatives, right-wing opposition to her views, and ecclesiastical intervention to prevent her holding a chair of theology. The Prize will be received in Lucerne in March 2015 by Professor Felix Wilfred, President of the Board of Directors of Concilium, on behalf of the journal which he now administers from its international centre in Madras, India, and by Dr Ammicht Quinn.

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