O veredicto do caso Oded Golan

Oded Golan foi absolvido das acusações de falsificação e fraude no caso do Ossuário de Tiago. Robert Deutsch foi absolvido de todas as acusações. Mas isto não quer dizer que a inscrição do ossuário seja autêntica.

Hoje o juiz israelense Aharon Farkash absolveu Oded Golan das acusações de falsificação e fraude no caso do Ossuário de Tiago, fundado em dúvida razoável. Considerou-o culpado apenas de três acusações menores por violar a Lei de Antiguidades e por posse de artefatos antigos roubados.

O juiz, entretanto, deixou claro que esta não é uma decisão sobre a autenticidade ou interpretação da inscrição do Ossuário de Tiago, questões que só podem ser determinadas por especialistas.


Breaking News: Golan and Deutsch Acquitted of All Forgery Charges

Forgery Allegations Dismissed by James Ossuary Trial Verdict

Biblical Archaeology Society Staff – 03/14/2012

On March 14, Jerusalem Judge Aharon Farkash found defendants Oded Golan and Robert Deutsch not guilty of all charges of forgery. The judge stated that there is no evidence that any of the major artifacts were forged, and that the prosecution failed to prove their accusations beyond a reasonable doubt. The alleged forgeries include the famous James Ossuary, whose inscription reads “James, son of Joseph, brother of Jesus.” The judge also found there was no clear evidence that several other ancient artifacts, including the “Three Shekels” ostracon, the “Widow’s Plea” ostracon and the Jehoash tablet, had been forged. While all of the major charges were dismissed on grounds of lack of evidence of forgery, others were dropped due to the statute of limitations. However, Golan was found guilty of trading in antiquities without a permit and another minor charge. Deutsch was acquitted on all counts. Oded Golan will be sentenced on December 23, 2012.

Leia Mais:
Verdict in the James Ossuary Trial: Not Guilty on All Counts – James F. McGrath
Israel Forgery Trial verdict – Jim Davila

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