Roland Boer: considerações sobre o debate Lemche-Avalos

O debate entre Lemche e Avalos sobre a relevância ou não dos estudos bíblicos na atualidade, mencionado aqui no blog, continua.

Agora, com a contribuição de Roland Boer, na mesma The Bible and Interpretation, em novembro, com o ensaio:

Elitism, Colonialism, and the Independence of Biblical Studies: Reflections on the Lemche-Avalos Debate

Roland Boer é o organizador do livro Secularism and Biblical Studies. London: Equinox Publishing, 2010, 224 p. – ISBN 9781845533755, que reacendeu o debate.

Ele diz:

Lemche asserts, without evidence, that the Bible is increasingly important in our modern world. Avalos, by contrast, is caught: on the one hand, he argues that the Bible is increasingly irrelevant, but on the other, he argues that the Bible is a dangerous book, so much so that its influence should be eliminated from our world. Both are correct, but not in ways they would expect.

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