Leituras histórico-crítica e pós-modernas da Bíblia

Para quem se interessa por métodos de leitura da Bíblia, este artigo de John Van Seters pode interessar:

A Response to G. Aichelle, P. Miscall and R. Walsh, “An Elephant in the Room: Historical-Critical and the Postmodern Interpretations of the Bible”.

Foi publicado em The Journal of Hebrew Scriptures, vol. 9, 26, 2009.

Diz o abstract:
Van Seters’s personal response to the recent article by G. Aichele, P. Miscall and R. Walsh, “An Elephant in the Room: Historical-Critical and Postmodern Interpretations of the Bible” (JBL 128 [2009], pp. 383–404) and to the authors’s invitation for a conversation among historical-critical and postmodern biblical scholars.

Assim começa Van Seters:
In a recent article by G. Aichele, P. Miscall and R. Walsh, “An Elephant in the Room: Historical-Critical and Postmodern Interpretations of the Bible” (JBL 128 [2009], pp. 383–404), the authors decried the lack of dialogue between those who practice historical criticism and the postmodernists, and they proposed, as postmodernists, to initiate a discussion. As a scholar who practices historical criticism for many years, I would like to respond to their invitation, by means of this personal rejoinder.

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