Ressuscitou ao terceiro dia

Quem leu o meu post do dia 7 passado, Morte e ressurreição do Messias no judaísmo, pode ter mais esclarecimentos se ler no blog de Stephen L. Cook, Biblische Ausbildung, o post Messianism Before Christ: Gabriel’s Revelation, publicado em 9 de julho.

Só um trechinho:
It is hardly any sort of challenge to Christianity that the idea of a resurrection after three-days was around before Christ. Again, the Christian claim is that Christ fulfilled longstanding messianic expectation. Across religions, three days of death is a motif common to the archetypal theme of death and rebirth. It is a symbolic reference to transformation. Think of the three days and nights that Jonah spent in the belly of the whale and the three days Inanna hung dead in the underworld “like a piece of rotting meat” in the Summerian story, “The Descent of Inanna.”

Vi a dica em John Hobbins, do Ancient Hebrew Poetry, que aponta este caminho em Messianism before Jesus of Nazareth and Gabriel’s Revelation: Steve Cook nails it, e a quem agradeço.

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