A arqueologia bíblica norte-americana e o sionismo

KNORR, B. S. American Biblical Archaeology and Zionism: The Politics of Objectivity from William F. Albright to William G. Dever. Abingdon: Routledge, 2023, 184 p. – ISBN 9781032283203.

Este livro examina a relação entre alguns dos mais destacados arqueólogos bíblicos norte-americanos e o sionismo. Embora esses estudiosos tenham sido bem estudados,KNORR, B. S. American Biblical Archaeology and Zionism: The Politics of Objectivity from William F. Albright to William G. Dever. Abingdon: Routledge, 2023 pouco foi feito para entender seu papel na história do conflito entre Israel e palestinos.

Combinando leituras dos escritos dos arqueólogos com pesquisa de arquivo, este livro estuda as opiniões de William Foxwell Albright, Millar Burrows, Nelson Glueck, George Ernest Wright, Paul Lapp e William G. Dever sobre o estabelecimento de um estado étnico-nacional na Palestina em detalhe. O volume culmina com um epílogo comentando a relevância desse tema na atualidade quanto às ramificações políticas da arqueologia no conflito israelo-palestino.


This book examines the relationship between several of the most prominent American biblical archaeologists and Zionism. While these scholars have been studied and historicized to some extent, little work has been done to understand their role in the history of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

Two defining differences in the archaeologists’ arguments were their understanding of culture and their views on objectivity versus relativism. Brooke Sherrard Knorr argues that relativist archaeologists envisioned the ancient world as replete with cultural change and opposed the establishment of a Jewish state, while those who believed in scholarly objectivity both envisioned the ancient world’s ethnic boundaries as rigid and favored Zionism.

Combining readings of the archaeologists’ writings with archival research, this book studies the views of William Foxwell Albright, Millar Burrows, Nelson Glueck, George Ernest Wright, Paul Lapp, and William G. Dever regarding the establishment of an ethno-national state in Palestine in detail. The volume culminates with an epilogue commenting on the relevance of this topic in the present regarding the political ramifications of archaeology in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Brooke Sherrard Knorr is Assistant Professor of History at William Penn University in Oskaloosa, Iowa. She earned a Ph.D. in American religious history at Florida State University and an MA in religious studies at the University of Iowa.

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