Literatura suméria

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BLACK J. et alii The Literature of Ancient Sumer. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006, 438 p. – ISBN 9780199296330.

BLACK J. et alii The Literature of Ancient Sumer. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006, 438 p.

This anthology of Sumerian literature constitutes the most comprehensive collection ever published, and includes examples of most of the different types of composition written in the language, from narrative myths and lyrical hymns to proverbs and love poetry. The translations have benefited both from the work of many scholars and from our ever-increasing understanding of Sumerian. In addition to reflecting the advances made by modern scholarship, the translations are written in clear, accessible English. An extensive introduction discusses the literary qualities of the works, the people who created and copied them in ancient Iraq, and how the study of Sumerian literature has evolved over the last 150 years.

Jeremy Allen Black (1951 - 2004)

Jeremy Allen Black (1951 – 2004) was a leading Assyriologist, master of Sumerian literature, and Oxford University Lecturer.

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