Marcos, hoje aclamado, já foi negligenciado

Hoje aclamado pelos especialistas, o evangelho de Marcos foi negligenciado na época patrística. Como ele conseguiu sobreviver?

Michael J.  Kok, que mantém um blog dedicado ao estudo acadêmico de Marcos, escreve, neste fevereiro, em The Bible and Interpretation, um artigo que aborda o tema de seu recente livro.

O artigo: Why Did the Gospel of Mark Survive?

A revista explica:
In spite of the virtually unanimous ecclesiastical tradition that the evangelist Mark was the interpreter of Peter, the most prestigious leader among the Apostles in Christian memory, the Gospel of Mark was mostly neglected in the Patristic period. Moreover, the explicit Patristic comments about the evangelist Mark reveal some ambivalence about the Gospel’s literary and theological value. This paper will explore the reasons why some later Christian intellectuals were hesitant to embrace Mark, especially highlighting their concerns that Mark could be read as amenable to the theological views of their opponents.


O livro: The Gospel on the Margins: The Reception of Mark in the Second Century. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2015, 240 p. – ISBN 9781451490220. Para Kindle, aqui.

Diz a editora:
Scholars of the Gospel of Mark usually discuss the merits of patristic references to the Gospel’s origin and Mark’s identity as the “interpreter” of Peter. But while the question of the Gospel’s historical origins draws attention, no one has asked why, despite virtually unanimous patristic association of the Gospel with Peter, one of the most prestigious apostolic founding figures in Christian memory, Mark’s Gospel was mostly neglected by those same writers. Not only is the text of Mark the least represented of the canonical Gospels in patristic citations, commentaries, and manuscripts, but the explicit comments about the Evangelist reveal ambivalence about Mark’s literary or theological value. Michael J. Kok surveys the second-century reception of Mark, from Papias of Hierapolis to Clement of Alexandria, and finds that the patristic writers were hesitant to embrace Mark because they perceived it to be too easily adapted to rival Christian factions. Kok describes the story of Mark’s Petrine origins as a second-century move to assert ownership of the Gospel on the part of the emerging Orthodox Church.


Este livro é o resultado de sua tese de doutorado na Universidade de Sheffield, Reino Unido, concluída em 2013, sob a orientação do Professor James G. Crossley:

Kok, Michael J (2013) The Gospel on the Margins: The Ideological Function of the Patristic Tradition on the Evangelist Mark. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

O texto da tese, em pdf, pode ser baixado gratuitamente, assim como outras interessantes teses disponíveis neste site.

Leia Mais:
Marcos na Ayrton’s Biblical Page e no Observatório Bíblico

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