Recursos online para estudos bíblicos na Tyndale House

Tyndale House Online Resources – Recursos online na Tyndale House da Universidade de Cambridge, Reino Unido.

Se você procura bons recursos online, gratuitos, para o estudo da Bíblia, uma visita à Tyndale House é obrigatória.

Set amid the buildings of the University of Cambridge, Tyndale House is a study centre focusing on advancing understanding of the Bible. Tyndale House is committed to supporting Biblical research by providing electronic resources necessary for the task, without payment whenever possible. This includes means for writing and studying Biblical languages, finding primary and secondary literature, and studying the text in its original languages.

Free resources include:

  • Unicode Fonts – Greek, Hebrew & Transliteration fonts and keyboards for PCs and Macs
  • Finding Sources – links to the best Biblical Studies and Theology sites and sources
  • Finding Books – links to the best bibliography databases and catalogues for online reading
  • Bible Software – links and introductions to the best tools for Biblical Studies, commercial and free
  • 2LetterLookup – a quick-click dictionary for Hebrew, Greek, Syriac, Coptic, Arabic, Latin …
  • Lexicons – full-text lexicons for Biblical Languages which are faster to use than paper
  • Tregelles Greek NT – a neglected influential and useful edition of the Greek New Testament
  • Tyndale Toolbar – find online books, read 70+ Bible versions, translation tools and much more

E não deixe de conferir o interessante STEP Bible, version 2.0: an online resource making freely available serious Bible study software from the international team of researchers based at Tyndale House, Cambridge.

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