Picaretagem hermenêutica entristece pesquisador

Não importa quantas vezes você, pacientemente, explique que os pontos de vista deles não têm fundamento, eles perseveram em suas convicções com impressionante determinação

Larry Hurtado, conhecido pesquisador do Novo Testamento, “está bastantemente entristecido, com o coração afogado na deceptude e no desgosto“, como dizia Odorico Paraguaçu.


É que alguns comentaristas vão ao seu blog postar “ideias de jerico”* e que, como é sabido e consabido, a ninguém escutam, só a suas desmioladas especulações dão atenção.

Um trecho do post de Larry Hurtado, Sense and Nonsense: Observations on Running a Blog Site, recentemente publicado:

This sort typically has developed some pet idea, not something small, mind you, but a “big idea” that fundamentally skews their view of the whole subject. Among them, on this site, e.g., that Paul was a totally fictional character (…)  that Jesus of Nazareth is a fictional character are another such category (…) that, e.g., references to “circumcision” in the NT are actually references to sacrifice (…) These people aren’t interested in finding out that their views have no basis, or have been soundly debunked decades ago, or are just plain bonkers. So, no matter how often you patiently answer specific questions (often coy, baited ones), or offer reasons and evidence for why their view is baseless, they persevere with impressive determination. If you tell them that their view has no standing among scholars in the field, this has no effect, and they might then allege some sort of conspiracy among scholars to suppress what they know is the real truth!

* Jerico = Equus asinus

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