Crossley: o estudo do NT na última década

Vale a pena ler um balanço dos estudos neotestamentários na última década. Embora parcial e localizado, focalizando principalmente o mundo acadêmico bíblico do Reino Unido, da Europa e dos Estados Unidos, aborda elementos bem interessantes.

Este a que me refiro, foi feito por James Crossley em seu biblioblog Earliest Christian History. Ele diz: “The following are just some thoughts on trends and developments in NT studies/biblical studies over the past decade. There are plenty of other developments of course (blogging and online scholarship, gospel of Judas, more interest in GThomas and not simply as containing sources for understanding the historical Jesus) but here are merely a few…”

O post, publicado em 31 de dezembro de 2009 é:

A Decade in…NT/Biblical Studies!

Transcrevo algumas frases soltas, para indicar temas abordados [os sublinhados são meus]:

One of the most notable things of the 00s has been the ‘secular’/atheist versus theological/believer/evangelical divide.

At the end of the decade it seems that ‘memory’ and ‘cultural memory’ has become one of the dominant ways of discussing the development of biblical tradition and beyond.

Memory is really the major distinctive feature of historical Jesus studies (again, see Bauckham and Dunn).

As implied, there have been some developments in *reading* Jesus and NT scholarship in historical and cultural contexts, including ideological critiques, and beyond the old debates about ‘you’re liberal…well, you’re conservative…etc’ (though they remain, of course).

As a special treat for certain readers and bloggers, I should note that there *might* have been a notable shift in who supports what in discussions of the Synoptic Problem.

Some of the old debates concerning the New Perspective have not gone way in Pauline studies, though there seems to be a further, though qualified, return of Old Perspective ideas. The other big debate in Pauline studies (and other areas of NT) is the role of empire and emperor cult etc, partly a product, no doubt, of the hardly ignorable impact of a Bush-led US empire, though a more hearty dose of postcolonial critique and/or Gramsci might have helped this (as started to happen in a more sustained way towards the end of the decade).

Reception history has certainly caught on and may be one of the major areas where biblical studies will flourish in future given the sheer amount of material waiting to be analysed.

E, finalmente, alguma previsão para os próximos anos? Ele diz:

“I don’t like predicting the future but I will give an exception which might be particular to the UK and perhaps elsewhere in Europe. At the end of the decade, the humanities are not going to be supported anything like the way the sciences are“.

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