A arqueologia da Palestina que conta

Embora às vezes ofuscadas por barulhentos amadores e mídias sensacionalistas, importantes descobertas continuam sendo feitas, na Palestina, por arqueólogos profissionais quase semanalmente.

:: Beehives from the 10th or ninth century BC at Tel Rehov, in Israel’s Bet She’an Valley

:: A possible Egyptian fortress from before the time of the Exodus, buried beneath a seventh century BC Philistine village near the Gaza Strip

:: A quarry in Jerusalem that may have supplied massive stone blocks for the Second Temple, built in the first century BC

:: A wall, possibly from the Second Temple itself, found during repair work on top of Jerusalem’s Temple Mount

:: A huge city drain in Jerusalem dating from the time of the First Jewish Revolt in the first century AD.

A maior parte dos links são do blog de Todd Bolen, BiblePlaces Blog, onde, em geral, há belas fotos.

Via Explorator 10.23 – September 30, 2007

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