Resenha do programa BibleWorks 6.0

BibleWorks 6.0: uma resenha extremamente positiva do programa foi feita por Jan Van Der Watt, da Universidade de Pretória, Pretória, África do Sul, e publicada em 26/11/2005 pela RBL – Review of Biblical Literature. Entre outras coisas, ele diz:

My overall impression of this program within its set limits is very positive. It is a highly refined and technologically advanced program that is a pleasure to use (…) This is a program that will never disappoint any user interested in analyzing the original languages of the Bible. On the contrary, the excellent features of this program, the speed and search capabilities, the quality of the database and fonts, and many other aspects not even touched on in this review make this program a joy to work with. Buy it and try it – you will not be disappointed.

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