Sobre o significado dos Manuscritos do Mar Morto

Não há melhor momento para refletirmos sobre o significado dos Manuscritos do Mar Morto do que agora, logo após  a celebração do 70º aniversário de sua descoberta.

Mas quantas pessoas podem realmente explicar o que os Manuscritos do Mar Morto são e o que eles significam para nós?

A reflection on the significance of the Dead Sea Scrolls – By Lawrence H. Schiffman – The Jerusalem Report: July 23, 2018

What better time to reflect on the significance of the Dead Sea Scrolls than now, soon after celebrating their 70th anniversary? This corpus of ancient manuscripts has awakened immense interest, spawned an entire new field of scholarship, and reshaped our understanding of biblical studies, the history of Judaism and the background of Christianity. The scrolls have been at the center of their share of intrigue, legal action and even humor. Exhibits such as that taking place right now in Denver, under the auspices of the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA), are more than ample evidence of the tremendous interest in the scrolls. But how many people can actually explain what the scrolls are and what they should mean to us?

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Manuscritos do Mar Morto no Observatório Bíblico
Os essênios: a racionalização da solidariedade

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