Irã, um símbolo do paraíso

Cerca de 300 objetos de diferentes períodos da história persa poderão ser expostos no Brasil proximamente. É o que diz a notícia da CHN – Cultural Heritage News Agency, da qual transcrevo o começo:

Brazil Stands Up Next to Host Exhibition of Persian Relics
The exhibition of “Iran, a Symbol of Paradise” which is currently on display in Mexico City is more likely to head for Brazil after it comes to an end in Mexico.

Brazil and Colombia are the two candidates in Latin America that requested to host of the exhibition of “Iran, a Symbol of Paradise” which is currently being held in Mexico City. However, based on initial agreements it seems that Brazil will precede Colombia in hosting of this exhibition. In an interview with CHN, Mohammad Reza Kargar, director of Iran’s National Museum, who has just returned from Mexico where he had been invited to attend the opening ceremony of the exhibition of “Iran, a Symbol of Paradise”, announced Brazil as the next country which is more likely to host the Persian exhibition and said: “This exhibition is the second prominent appearance of Iran in cultural programs of Central American countries (cont.)

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