A vida de Ciro, o Grande

WATERS, M. King of the World: The Life of Cyrus the Great. New York: Oxford University Press, 2022, 272 p. – ISBN 9780190927172.

O Império Persa foi a primeira hiperpotência do mundo, com território que se estendia da Ásia Central ao Nordeste da África e do Sudeste da Europa ao Vale do Indo. FoiWATERS, M. King of the World: The Life of Cyrus the Great. New York: Oxford University Press, 2022, 272 p. a força geopolítica dominante desde o final do século VI até a sua conquista por Alexandre na década de 330 a. C.

Grande parte do território do império foi conquistada por seu fundador, Ciro, o Grande, que reinou de 559 a 530 a. C. Ciro se tornou uma lenda durante sua vida, e sua carreira inspirou grande interesse dos indisciplinados vizinhos da Pérsia no oeste, os antigos gregos. O retrato idealizado de Ciro pelo grego Xenofonte teve um impacto profundo nos debates antigos, medievais e modernos sobre governo.

O livro fornece um relato confiável e acessível da vida, carreira e legado de Ciro, o Grande. Embora as fontes gregas permaneçam centrais para qualquer narrativa sobre Ciro, uma riqueza de evidências primárias é encontrada no antigo Oriente Médio, incluindo material documental, arqueológico, de história da arte e bíblico. Matt Waters baseia-se em todas essas fontes, ao mesmo tempo que as contextualiza de forma consistente, a fim de fornecer uma compreensão coesa de Ciro, o Grande. O autor leva os leitores numa viagem que revela o seu poderoso impacto e preserva a sua história para as gerações futuras.

Matt Waters é professor de Estudos Clássicos e História Antiga na Universidade de Wisconsin-Eau Claire, USA.


The Persian Empire was the world’s first hyperpower, with territory stretching from Central Asia to Northeastern Africa and from Southeastern Europe to the Indus Valley. It was the dominant geopolitical force from the later sixth century to its conquest by Alexander in the 330s BCE. Much of the empire’s territory was conquered by its founder, Cyrus the Great, who reigned from 559-530 BCE. Cyrus became a legend in his own lifetime, and his career inspired keen interest from Persia’s unruly neighbors to the west, the ancient Greeks. The idealized portrait of Cyrus by the Greek Xenophon had a profound impact on ancient, medieval, and early modern debates about rulership.

King of the World provides an authoritative and accessible account of Cyrus the Great’s life, career, and legacy. While Greek sources remain central to any narrative about Cyrus, a wealth of primary evidence is found in the ancient Near East, including documentary, archaeological, art historical, and biblical material. Matt Waters draws from all of these sources while consistently contextualizing them in order to provide a cohesive understanding of Cyrus the Great. This overview addresses issues of interpretation and reconciles limited material, while the narrative keeps Cyrus the Great’s compelling career at the forefront. Cyrus’ legacy is enormous and not fully appreciated– King of the World takes readers on a journey that reveals his powerful impact and preserves his story for future generations.

Matt Waters is Professor of Classics and Ancient History at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. He is the author of Ctesias’ Persica and Its Near Eastern Context and Ancient Persia: A Concise History of the Achaemenid Empire, 550-330 BCE, among other works.

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