Gramática do Grego do Novo Testamento por Ranjar

RANJAR , C. S. Grammar of New Testament Greek: An Introductory Manual. Rome: Gregorian & Biblical Press, 2020, 392 p. – ISBN 9788876537233.RANJAR , C. S. Grammar of New Testament Greek: An Introductory Manual. Rome: Gregorian & Biblical Press, 2020

Uma gramática introdutória de grego do Novo Testamento. Utilizada pelo autor, professor do Pontifício Instituto Bíblico, em Roma, no curso do primeiro ano.


This introductory manual is designed for those students who have little or no previous knowledge of New Testament Greek. Combining basic morphology with elementary syntax, the book helps students achieve a secure understanding of the fundamentals of ancient Greek. The manual consists of 52 lessons, divided into eight units. Each lesson is equipped with a set of vocabulary and exercises chosen from the New Testament. Also included at the end of the book are a series of appendices that present paradigms of the basic verbal conjugations and nominal declensions.

Sobre Clifard Sunil Ranjar, jesuíta indiano, leia aqui. Para uma apresentação dos cursos do corrente ano acadêmico no PIB, leia aqui.

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