Livros de Davies e Lemche sobre História de Israel

Dois clássicos reeditados e um novo.

DAVIES, P. R. In Search of ‘Ancient Israel’: A Study in Biblical Origins. 2. ed. London: Bloomsbury T & T Clark, 2015, 192 p. – ISBN  9780567662972.

Davies, In Search of 'Ancient Israel': A Study in Biblical Origins

DAVIES, P. R. The History of Ancient Israel: A Guide for the Perplexed. London: Bloomsbury T & T Clark, 2015, 200 p. – ISBN 9780567655851.

Davies, The History of Ancient Israel: A Guide for the Perplexed

LEMCHE, N. P. Ancient Israel: A New History of Israel. 2. ed. London: Bloomsbury T & T Clark, 2015, 296 p. – ISBN 9780567662781.

Lemche, Ancient Israel: A New History of Israel

Leia artigos dos dois autores sobre os 2 livros reeditados (In Search of ‘Ancient Israel’ e Ancient Israel: A New History of Israel)  e também sobre o novo (The History of Ancient Israel) em The Bible and Interpretation:

:: A Guide for the Perplexed – Philip R. Davies – November 2015
What makes me a disciple of von Rad is that for me too the stories count for more than the “facts”. I have no commitment to “scripture”, but if I want to understand “ancient Israelites” or any other human groups or individuals from the past, I will do so better by coming to terms with what they thought about the past than what had actually transpired. If, as I think was most often the case, the writers of these biblical stories did not actually know what had happened, then the actual events have a restricted relevance to them: it would have made no difference to these writers whether what they narrated had happened or not.

:: Ancient Israel: A New History of Israel: Thoughts about a reissue – Niels Peter Lemche – November 2015
“In any case, I firmly believe that by the beginning of the twenty-second century, the Minimalists will be remembered and respected as worthy exemplars and forebears of the best current thought” (Sara Mandell).

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